Cannabis Business NEWS
Honoring an MMJ Trailblazer
One of those uplifting , joyful people that nobody ever forgets . by a Few Friends
Every once in a while , you might encounter someone who radiates positivity . Someone who makes you feel more like yourself without even trying . These people are connectors , facilitators of good times . They make you laugh ; they make you feel . Most importantly , they connect you with something greater .
Andrew Vincent Soloducha was “ that person ” and a trailblazer within the Missouri cannabis industry . He was dedicated to making cannabis accessible , destigmatized , and fun . His impact on the people around him and within the cannabis community will live on eternally . Born in July 1988 , Andy passed suddenly on March 12 . The Fresh Karma and Nuthera Labs teams want to share a little about their friend , Andy .
Andy was full of surprises . Once , he and I were sitting on his couch after a sesh , our conversation winding from one topic to the other until we found ourselves discussing Opera music . I mentioned I wasn ’ t really familiar with Opera music , but I had just heard Pavoratti for the first time the other day , and it was crazy impressive . He stopped talking and gave me a razor-sharp look ; and asked , “ Whatchu know about Pavoratti ?”
Andy Soloducha lighting up the room while belting opera .
Andy stepped into the other room and quickly reappeared with a Best of Pavoratti Box set and spent the next 30 minutes belting along with the music in perfect form . For the next few weeks at Nuthera Labs , he would randomly look at me with a crazy glint in his eye , straighten his posture , and belt some opera lyrics at the top of his lungs .
“ Andy had an inside joke with everyone he spent more than a few hours with . It really shows how much love and attention he put into his relationships with others ; those moments stay with you forever .” ~ Seth Galusha – Director of Edible Production
“ What do you say , what do you know , what do you smoke , what do you grow ?!” Andy would ask . I had the absolute pleasure of working with Andy at Fresh Karma at the infancy of our company . He helped open the Parkville store , and that ’ s where our friendship began . I was new to KC and Andy took me under his wing and made me feel like family . His passion for sales and cannabis was unmatched . He could sell a cage to a loin . I ’ ll never forget how hyped he was when he closed his first deal in Missouri ; there may have been a few Vegas Bombs taken that night . Andy did not know a stranger ; he was the most confident , out-going , supportive friend I could ever ask for . I will cherish our memories and all the laughter shared — long live Donuts .” ~ Nicole Zimorino – General Manager Fresh Karma Parkville
“ Andy is one of those people nobody ever forgets . Whether it ’ s the funny joke he just told right after meeting him , the hilarious strain review he just posted , or even the way he made you feel special whenever you were around him . He just really knew how to make sure the room was bright , fun , and the energy never stopped flowing . I look back and vividly remember the way people loved him , the way their faces lit up with pure bliss . You could catch Andy on a dance floor , often enjoying his time with family , working , and loving every minute of it . But no matter what , you always caught Andy having a grand time . I promise to keep some piff in my hand , my friend .” ~ Jericho Hesse – Fresh Karma Director of Marketing
“ Even if you didn ’ t personally know Andy , you probably knew someone who did or heard of ‘ Andy Baggadonuts ’ — he was ‘ The Guy !’ The guy gifting you a pre-roll or buying the whole bar a drink , the guy oozing Fresh Karma and Nuthera Labs , the guy making you belly laugh until you cry , the guy always there to cheer you on , the guy you saw crush a golf ball to win the long-drive contest at the Proper Cannabis golf tournament ( he was so stoked on winning that ). As Andy would always say , ‘ I love the action !’ He was an expert facilitator — he connected with people , and would network other people , and he was so great at it . He was larger than life and offered his whole self to everyone he met — he taught me a lot over the course of our long friendship , and I will forever be grateful for the impact he had on my life .” ~ Alex Paulakovich – Director of Manufacturing
Andy ’ s friends and the authors ; Jericho ( front ), Alex ( on left ), Nicole ( on right ) and Seth ( back ) gather at Memorial Park .
Waiting for Missouri cannabis to get going , Andy and the team spent so much time talking about their hopes and dreams of growing the cannabis community in the team ’ s hometown of Kansas City , and man — did he ever make a huge splash ! The Kansas City community embraced and loved Andy “ Baggadonuts .” He loved it back with everything he had . The Missouri cannabis industry has lost a legend , but we appreciate his lasting impact and look forward to continuing his legacy .
Although Andy passed suddenly , at a very young age , the positive impact he made on those he encountered and his selfless organ donations that others may live further allows his legacy to live on for generations .