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Cannabis as Medicine by Andrew Park , contributing writer
In the short three years of this magazine ’ s existence , I ’ ve learned that it has become the beacon for Missouri Cannabis news and educational information . It is a source that you have access to for free and have contact information for those who write for it . The creators are members of your own community , and admit that each article focuses solely on your educational and informational interests .
This is an absolute luxury in this age of mass digital media . Today , anyone can have a source to tell anything they like and with the bias passed off as fact . There are quite literally new phenomena when breaking news happens , opposed to when news was reported five years ago . Groupthink has become more commonplace , and getting reactions have taken priority over well thought out reporting . The reason I love writing for this magazine is because , the truth of the matter is , facts are facts . Missourians deserve to be well-informed about this industry , which has the power to transform the community for the better . This magazine allows that . A direct line of communication from industry professionals to the patients .
That foundation is important because it allows us to have a conversation , which has drastically started to fade . All the noise that social media can create , paired with a larger audience , can leave a reader feeling unheard or uninvolved . Moreover , you as a reader have the ability to question what you read . This level of involvement is a cornerstone of the Missouri cannabis market . You , the reader , are the reason for all success . It is our responsibility as writers to inform you of the facts and invite you remain involved .
38 March 2022
This year , multiple petitions are being passed around for adult recreational use ; at the same time , current regulations for Missouri medical cannabis are still being ironed out . We as a state are moving at 100 mph ; it may be hard to keep up at times . Podcasts are starting up , more and more news channels have begun to cover cannabis in the workplace , yet the shifting of stigmas still has a long way to go . Choosing a source for information , although abundant , has now made it difficult to determine who you can trust or believe .
Allow yourself to think openly and critically and maintain that level of involvement . This will allow you the ability to look at the issues we face as Missourians and become educated from more than one angle . The more in-depth we go , the more wrinkles we can iron out .
In the very short amount of time I have been involved in the Missouri Medical Cannabis ( MMJ ) industry , I have learned a simple truth , our community is one of the most inclusive found in any industry . Even without using my affiliation with this incredible magazine , I have been able to speak with numerous industry leaders , professionals , and influencers . All with the same open-mindedness that shows the understanding that our industry has an opportunity to be something special for our state . Especially for those who don ’ t agree with certain viewpoints I may have . This is important because all the information we can take in , we have the transparency of these MMJ companies to verify everything . That kind of access is unfathomable in most industries that can generate over hundreds of millions of dollars in yearly revenue .
I leave you with this , use the access we offer . Yes , read this magazine to better educate yourself about MMJ ’ s possible uses and products , and seek out alternative cannabisspecific news outlets to understand how our state can contribute on a national level . There is very little reason why Missouri shouldn ’ t be a top state for cannabis . We have the infrastructure in place , the acreage to expand , and the passion to carry future generations . Additionally , we have a state department that ’ s willing to listens to its patients — matched with our neighbors growing their own businesses and giving back to their communities . Last month I touched on what the future of our state may hold in terms of medical and recreational use . After speaking recently with several industry insiders , I have concluded that the most important aspect of our future — is the ability for in-state “ Missouri ” business owners to retain full access to ground floor opportunity .
I look forward to future conversations , particularly those revolving in disagreement . That ’ s how we grow ; we discuss and learn from one another .
Andrew Park ACRP-CP , is the Director of Regulatory Affairs for a clinical research company based in KC . His years of experience in research have shown him the importance that treatments can always be improved . A Kansas City native , Andrew recently launched his Seed and Stems cannabis-related podcast on Spotify . Contact him at andrewkcpark @ gmail . com .
Written views of the contributing writers expressed in this publication belong to the writers and do not reflect the sentiments or editorial opinion of the publisher or staff of The EVOLUTION Magazine .