The EVOLUTION Magazine JUNE 2024 | Page 41

adults , after the COVID-19 pandemic . According to an article on openathens . net , 44 % of college students reported using marijuana in 2020 , an increase from 38 % in 2015 . 2 “ Although the study did not address the causes behind these tendencies , scientists speculated that the pandemic ’ s toll on daily life and mental health may be one of the driving forces behind young adults ’ consumption patterns .”
Improved Sleep Quality
Sleep is essential for cognitive function , memory , and overall health . Medical marijuana has been shown to improve sleep quality –– an essential aspect of a college student ’ s life .
An online student at Northwest Missouri State University ( NWMSU ) reported her use of marijuana as a medication for her diagnosed anxiety , PTSD , and hemiplegic migraines . These illnesses have interfered with the educational aspect of her life . She uses marijuana to help her sleep , which leads to getting more schoolwork completed . “ So actually , I get better sleep , so I ’ m able to wake up earlier ,” she said . dependency . Medical marijuana offers a more natural alternative for pain management . Both THC and CBD have analgesic properties that can alleviate discomfort associated with various conditions , including migraines , arthritis , and menstrual cramps .
For another NWMSU student , Beth ( not her real name ), medical marijuana has aided the management of her stress-induced Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction , which causes her pain at all times of the day and has led to surgery .
“ For me , it was really difficult because any answer that was out there wouldn ’ t really cure it , but at least kind of ease my pain ,” Beth said .
“ I ’ d wake up every morning in pain , like with shooting pain in my face and in my ears . But for a while , whenever a lot of those problems were happening , and I didn ’ t really feel like anything was helping , I used a medical marijuana cream ,” Beth said . “ It ’ s like an ice hot rub , and it pretty much would numb my face . I ’ d put it on before bed at night , and I wouldn ’ t clench , and when I woke up , I wouldn ’ t be in pain anymore .”
College students often suffer from stress-induced conditions because of their environment . If more students explored medical marijuana use , their stress levels could be reduced . With reduced stress levels , positive academic performances can result .
As attitudes toward cannabis continue to evolve , more college students are embracing the therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana . From stress relief and anxiety management to improved sleep quality and pain relief , cannabis offers a variable approach to improving students ’ physical and mental well-being . However , students must approach marijuana use responsibly , talking with healthcare professionals and adhering to local regulations along with campus standards . With proper education and guidance , medical marijuana has the potential to become a valuable tool for promoting health and wellness among college students .
Sources :
1 .
https :// monitoringthefuture . org
2 .
Sparking change ; More U . S . college students turning to weed : Study .
by Tristynn Clark
In patients with anxiety , sleep is not as easy as it is for someone with a normal brain function . Indica marijuana strains with higher levels of THC can induce drowsiness and promote relaxation , making it easier for students to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night . By addressing disturbed sleeping patterns , medical marijuana can enhance students ’ academic performance .
Pain Management
Whether it ’ s from sports injuries , repetitive strain , or chronic conditions , pain is a common issue among college students . Traditional pain medications can come with unwanted side effects and the risk of
Tristynn Clark is a student journalist at Northwest Missouri State University . As an advocate for students and mental health , she hopes to highlight the benefits of medical marijuana as it has been a valuable medicinal addition for her mental health .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only . In Missouri , you must be age 21 and older to purchase marijuana .
June 2024 41