The EVOLUTION Magazine JUNE-2023 | Page 32

Industry News ►

MoCannTrade Offers New Resources and Educational Events for Prospective Cannabis Microbusinesses .

by Melissa Khan

The new constitutional amendment for adult use created a pathway for more Missourians to get into the cannabis industry through the microbusiness program .

Starting later this summer , Missourians can apply to the Missouri Division of Cannabis Regulation for microbusiness licenses . MoCannTrade is creating pre-industry programming to help prepare , educate , and connect cannabis microbusiness applicants to information and resources . By helping small business owners get started in the industry , MoCannTrade is hoping to create a more diverse and inclusive industry .
The microbusiness is different from a medical or comprehensive facility because it is designed to provide a path to facility ownership for individuals who might not otherwise easily access that opportunity , such as those with a net worth of less than $ 250,000 or veterans with a service-connected disability .
To qualify for a microbusiness facility license , applicant entities shall be majority owned by individuals who each meet at least one of several qualifications outlined
in Missouri ’ s Constitution . They are an important part of the cannabis industry because they provide an opportunity for small business owners to get involved in the industry and create jobs in their communities . ( See more details about microbusinesses on pages 10 and 20 .)
For individuals or groups interested in applying for microbusiness facility licenses , MoCannTrade has planned a series of free events on microbusinesses . In late June , the industry association will host microbusinesses events in Springfield ( June 28 ), Kansas City ( June 29 ), Columbia ( July 5 ), and St . Louis ( July 6 ) free of charge . The events will cover topics such as eligibility requirements , the application process , and business and facility compliance . All dates and details will be announced at www . mocanntrade . org and see the microbusinesses banner .
MoCannTrade also invites microbusiness applicants to its Q2 Industry Member Meetup in Kansas City . The Meetup will feature two panel discussions , including the topic of microbusiness , where you will hear from Missouri ’ s Chief Equity Officer Abigail Vivas and other industry experts to provide an in-depth look at the microbusiness opportunities and answer questions on the topic .
MoCannTrade also encourages small business owners to join its new Microbusiness Membership Program . This program provides small business owners with valuable resources , including access to industry owner-operators , useful resources , tools , and networking opportunities .
Communities across Missouri are embracing marijuana facilities and small businesses as part of their local economy . As of May 9 , the Missouri cannabis industry has
already sold more than $ 1 billion worth of legal cannabis and created more than 14,800 jobs . The state ’ s new microbusiness program will provide even more opportunities to break into this exciting market . If you ’ re interested in starting a cannabis microbusiness , you are encouraged to visit the MoCannTrade microbusiness webpage and consider joining its new microbusiness membership program .
MoCannTrade ’ s annual membership dues for a Microbusiness membership are $ 1,000 . Currently , MoCannTrade is offering a $ 500 membership level for “ Microbusiness applicants ” to allow them access to all the benefits other commercial licensed members enjoy . After the First wave of licensure at the end of this year , if your group successfully wins a micro license , your membership may be renewed for the coming six months for another $ 500 . See more about Microbusiness membership benefits at at www . mocanntrade . org / cpages / microbusiness .
◄ Scan QR to learn more about MoCannTrade ’ s Microbusiness membership benefits , educational event dates and locations .
Melissa Khan , is the Associate Director of MoCannTrade . Visit www . mocanntrade . org
32 JUNE 2023