The EVOLUTION Magazine June 2022 | Page 20

Patient Education ►
◄ Continued from page 18

Cannabis and Heart Health

widely accepted and proven safe and effective , is today disparaged by the medical establishment as “ quackery .” Chelation advocates rightly point out the financial factors at play . Whereas a full round of chelation treatments averages $ 3,000 , heart surgeries run in the tens of thousands .
Chelation also has the benefit of removing heavy metals from the body , such as lead , mercury , nickel , cadmium , etc . Of particular concern is Tetraethyllead . The introduction of leaded gasoline in the 1920s resulted in what is likely the single greatest man-made health catastrophe in world history . 3 We ’ ve all been exposed , especially those born before 1996 when leaded gas was ultimately banned . Health statistics bear out that the deployment of “ Ethyl ” ( as gasoline companies benignly marketed it ) saw dramatic increases in heart disease , cancer , and many other chronic diseases rising in direct proportion to Ethyl ’ s use . Chelation offers hope for this too . 4
As a cardio-protectant , cannabis can be considered a valuable tool in the management and mitigation of heart disease . Cannabis is not , however , a cure , nor does it address the underlying causes of heart disease . Nevertheless , cannabis does offer benefits for heart health . It , therefore , makes sense to at least consider its use . Consult with your cannabis-friendly physician .
Resources :
1 . Marijuana and heart health : What you need to know . https :// www . health . harvard . edu / heart-health / marijuana-and-heart-health-what-you-need-to-know
2 . Lamontagne D , Lépicier P , Lagneux C , Bouchard JF . The endogenous cardiac cannabinoid system : a new protective mechanism against myocardial ischemia . Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss . 2006 Mar ; 99 ( 3 ): 242-6 . PMID : 16618028
3 . The Man Who Accidentally Killed the Most People in History . https :// youtu . be / IV3dnLzthDA
4 . Search online for “ chelation doctor ” and the name of your city to find a chelating doctor . Also , check out http :// acam . org
Peter Kershaw is a Patient Caregiver , an organic cannabis cultivation consultant , and extraction consultant . Contact him at pkershaw . email @ gmail . com or text to 417-230-4445 . As with all writers within these pages , if you ’ ve benefited from Peter ’ s articles , please let him and all writers know . They appreciate your thoughts .
Notice : The information contained herein is not intended as medical advice , diagnosis or treatment , but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience . The content is for general informational purposes only .
20 June 2022