The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 44

Reflections ►

Kansas Gets Back in the Ring

Second Annual State Line Protest For Legalization on August 2 by Dolores Halbin , contributing writer

So often in the world of social justice surrounding cannabis , we make these special connections by the fine silk of a spider ’ s web , spun by the divine forces at work supporting the freedom of this sacred plant and all her unjustly incarcerated supporters . Last month , it happened again , and I had the privilege of meeting Inga Selders , founder of the Kansas Cannabis Justice Coalition , and three other members of its Board of Directors . I really want to call them the Cannabis Justice League .

I was shutting off the news to go to the gym last month when I heard a little blurb about a Town Hall Meeting for “ The Kansas Cannabis Justice Coalition ” ( KCJC ). This was news . I had never heard of this organization , and I thought I knew everybody !
I cringe when people say , “ Oh , I don ’ t watch the news .” At least listen ! Turn on NPR when you ’ re driving ! I rarely sit down for the news but listen for keywords like cannabis !
On my way to the gym , I called CBS and asked for event details . The meeting was taking place at 10 a . m ., in 30 minutes , at the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center , 87th & Metcalf . The last time I was at this location , we were taking the kids bowling at King Louis , so I was surprised to find our beloved bowling alley transformed . The new Arts and Cultural Center is worth a field trip .
I was dressed for the gym , so I popped in the thrift store down the street , bought a shirt and earrings , and went to the meeting .
Inga Selders , founder of KCJC , sat next to board member Attorney Barry Grissom , longtime cannabis activist and fellow OG like me , who just wants this crap over so we can do something else before we are dead of old age . Ian Graves , PhD , and Attorney Leslie Byram were also in attendance . The crowd was sparse — maybe eight — all of us media .
KCJC is a 501c4 political organization committed to educating voters regarding cannabis reform in the upcoming 2024 elections .
Inga Selders , founder and executive director of KCJC . ( Photo contributed )
Selders was recently re-elected for her second four-year term on the City Council of Prairie Village , KS . She had a busy first term and , along with Council member Dr . Ian Graves , drafted a measure to legalize cannabis use and possession in Prairie Village , winning over all the City Council and a majority of residents .
Similar city measures have been attempted across Kansas , including Mission and Lawrence . All were met with the same response from the Kansas Sheriff and the office of the Attorney General : Don ’ t do this , or we will come after your police departments and enforce marijuana laws . I was not aware the county could come in and trump the cities ’ measures . Thankfully , this election cycle , every detractor we have been up against in Kansas is up for re-election .
We pulled out all the stops in the spring session of 2023 , bringing in heavy hitters Dr . Sue Sicily from Arizona and Lieutenant Colonel ( retired ) Todd Scatini of Kansas City , otherwise known as The Hemp Colonel , along with a multitude of highly educated activists for the hearings . With the prospects of all our efforts falling apart , and in an attempt to keep the discussion alive , The Kansas Cannabis Coalition sponsored a State Line protest prior to the August start of the fall session .
At that time , responsibility was laid heavily on the Senate House President , Tye Masterson . We gathered at the corner of 39th and State Line , with KU Med Center in the background . Kansans wore orange ; Missourians wore green ( see photo on next page ). Purple Heart Veteran Chris Wolfenbarger , a former medic in the U . S . army whose convoy was blown up by an IUD in Afghanistan , did a little dance down the middle of State Line while the crowd chanted , “ Patient ! Prisoner !” Chris and his amazing service dog , Chu-Chu Rodriguez , skipped back and forth across the dividing line .
44 July July 2024 2024