The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 38

Gets Creative with AI Art for Brand Awareness
← Continued from pages 18 and 34

Hermit ’ s Delight

Gets Creative with AI Art for Brand Awareness
effort , time , and precision needed to dig a ditch by hand — every scoop , every bead of sweat . This method , while effective , is labor-intensive and can limit the scale and speed of the project .
“ In contrast , employing AI is akin to using a backhoe or advanced technology that dramatically increases efficiency , speed , and precision . It allows us to move larger amounts of earth with less effort and in a fraction of the time ,” explained Ledbetter . “ Similarly , AI enables us to generate intricate and vibrant initial concepts quickly , capturing our imaginative visions with detailed precision . This blend of technology and human craftsmanship allows us to create enchanting and high-quality visuals that embody the mystical essence of Hermit ’ s Delight .”
We think the artwork is fantastic and memorable . I have occasionally played with AI to create clipart , and it ’ s not as easy as simply asking the AI to create something . Basically , AI can help get you started ( roughed in ), but you must be creative and skilled with various graphics programs to refine images , and bring the art together , creating what you –– the human , ultimately envisioned . We think the creative minds of Ledbetter and Velasco , with the assistance of AI , and Photoshop are producing some interesting art to showcase Hermit ’ s Delight products . Learn more about Hermit ’ s Delight products and artwork at https :// hermitsdelight . com .
◄ Hermit ’ s Delight Blueberry Muffin ( hybrid 17.01 % THC )
● Genetics : Purple Panty Dropper x Razzle Berry
● Terpene Profile : Myrcene , Limonene
● Flavinoid Profile : Blueberries , Muffins , Chamomile
Matthew Ledbetter is the director of operations at 1913 Waynesville Cannabis Cultivation and Manufacturing . He is a distinguished leader in the cannabis industry , recognized for his pioneering contributions and strategic insights that have shaped numerous cannabis operations across the United States and Canada . With fifteen years of in-depth experience , Ledbetter has been instrumental in developing the 1913 Waynesville cultivation and manufacturing facility in Missouri since its establishment . His ongoing work focuses on advancing the cannabis industry through innovation in genetic research , cultivation automation , and eco-friendly practices .
Denise Velasco is a dynamic professional with over a decade of experience in customer service , logistics , and now , graphic design . Her career is marked by a blend of creativity , meticulous attention to detail , and a dedication to exceeding expectations in every role she undertakes .
38 July 2024