The Evolution Magazine JULY 2024 | Page 29

Todd Scattini ( LTC , Ret .) gabs a selfie with The National WWI Museum Learning and Interpretation Specialist , Haley Sherrif ( on left ) and VP of Education and Interpretation , Lora Vogt with Clayton Stallings of The EVOLUTION Magazine ( on right ).
Todd Scattini Lieutenant Colonel , U . S . Army ( Retired ) at The National WWI Museum with his historic personal World War I memorabilia that he donated to the museum .
This is a non-consumption event , so “ Smoke ‘ em if you got ‘ em ”! Just do it before entering the museum grounds . While no cannabis products will be on site for consumption or sale during the program , guests will have the opportunity to sample non-infused edibles and participate in a guided olfactory experience with Ganjier Josh Ordo from ReLeaf Resources Dispensary .
Anchoring the Conversation
The National WWI Museum and Memorial is the perfect place to anchor this conversation . From an academic perspective , the museum provides a platform to host this conversation for the longterm to delve into all the complexities of cannabis based in history : geographically speaking , the museum is ideally situated , located in a legal medical cannabis and adult use state while overlooking Kansas , where their citizens and military veterans do not have access to this medicine and the plant is highly criminalized .
This series also provides an opportunity to engage military and veteran thought leaders about the subject of cannabis and its military applications beyond medicine to include post-conflict reconstruction and development globally with hemp-based products such as Hempcrete and Hemp Wood . The museum will invite leadership and students from Ft . Leavenworth , Kansas ’ Command and General Staff College and the Veterans Administration Hospitals in Kansas City and Leavenworth ( the first VA Hospital ) to participate in ongoing conversations using the context of history to explore the possibilities for the future in terms of cannabis medicine and development .
WWI was a war that saw massive innovations in technology and medicine , including the development of penicillin . With this new program and the museum ’ s push to understand more about this misunderstood and often maligned plant , the hope is to inspire new generations to learn the lessons of The Great War , prevent future wars , and imagine how the newly re-legalized hemp and cannabis plant can contribute to the future in a meaningful way .
Todd Scattini ( LTC , Ret .) with the museum ’ s VP of Education and Interpretation , Lora Vogt , donating his historic photographs and memorabilia to The National WWI Museum that include a detailed wartime diary of his great , great , great , Uncle Avis Iowa Hoover who served in the U . S . Army during World War I in F company of the 115th engineers who fought around France .
Learn more about The National WWI Museum and Memorial at www . theworldwar . org . Plan to attend “ Operation : Reefer Madness , A Blunt History of Cannabis in WWI ” on Thursday , August 15th , from 6:30 p . m . to 8:30 p . m . If you can ’ t make the event , the summer museum hours are 10 a . m . to 5 p . m . daily from Memorial Day through Labor Day . You should visit it this summer ; it ’ s an amazing museum .
Todd Scattini is a 27-year veteran LTC , U . S . Army ( Ret .). He has been an activist pushing for medical cannabis access for veterans across the country , serving in board advisory positions at the Veterans Cannabis Project , Kansas Cannabis Coalition , and the Hemp For Victory Foundation . His company , Harvest 360 , is a full-service cannabis consulting firm specializing in helping clients become licensed operators . Todd . scattini @ harvest360 . co .
July 2024 29