From The Editor
Bill Cromwell , Publisher , Editor-in-Chief Celebrate Our Independence
This month Americans celebrate our Independence Day . According to History . com ( and our school history books ), it was actually on July 2 , 1776 , when the Continental Congress voted in favor of Lee ’ s resolution for independence in a near-unanimous vote ( the New York delegation abstained but later voted affirmatively ). On that day , John Adams wrote to his wife Abigail that July 2 “ will be celebrated , by succeeding Generations , as the great anniversary Festival ” and that the celebration should include “ Pomp and Parade … Games , Sports , Guns , Bells , Bonfires , and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other .” Today , we prefer Fireworks over Gunfire to celebrate the day — Please !
Though the vote for actual independence took place on July 2 , 1776 , it was on July 4th that the Continental Congress formally adopted the Declaration of Independence , declaring that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject ( and subordinate ) to the monarch of Britain , King George III , and were now united , free , and independent states . From then on , as we know , the 4th became the day we celebrate American ’ s Independence Day .
Today , 246 years after the declaration of America ’ s freedom , we remain a free people –– to a point ! We shall be endlessly thankful for the vision of the U . S . Constitution ’ s “ Framers ” and all who fought for our freedom ; nevertheless , there remains work to be done to secure our freedom to choose some fundamental rights .
This magazine is filled with advocates working tirelessly for one such fundamental freedom — to choose how we determine what ’ s best for our own health care needs . One of the “ free and independent states ,” Kansas , is filled with patient advocates fighting for their freedom to choose their own health care needs — as if their lives depend on it , and for one tireless advocate , sadly , it did . Read the story on page 40 .
Page 52 offers an inspiring patient story about a Missouri mother who created a Patients Advocating for Cannabis Education group . It assists parents with the knowledge to navigate the challenges of cannabis as medicine while parenting .
For Missourians , sure , there is work to be done , but unlike our neighbors to the west , we are on the right track regarding the freedom to choose cannabis as alternative medicine . Patients are free to choose . However , Federally , cannabis is still a Schedule 1 drug — remove it already !
The EVOLUTION Magazine team thanks all our wonderful writers for all the valuable educational information they offer our readers and their freedom to write about the topics found within these pages . Enjoy your Independence all month and throughout the year !
Missouri ’ s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City , MO , Advocates , Publishers and Writers . A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients , and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story . We hope you join and enjoy “ The Evolution .”
PUBLISHER , EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Bill Cromwell News , Articles and Advertisement Requests should email to :
Bill . C @ TheEvolutionMag . com Corporate Office : 816.878.4509 Kansas City , MO Mail to : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055
MANAGING EDITOR , VP OF OPERATIONS : Victoria Cromwell DIRECTOR MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT : Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER , GRAPHIC ARTS and EDITORIAL : Bill Cromwell PHOTOGRAPHY : Clayton Stallings , and guests photographers
Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders
● Danielle Buntyon ― Elevated Learning
● Karla Deel — Cannabis Culture and History , Product Profiles
● Kassie Ferrero ― Dispensary Product Reviews and News
● Dana Howard — Cooking with CBD and THC
● Dolores Halbin , RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness
● April Hatch , RN ― Patient Feature Columnist
● Sean Keast ― Product Profiles and Dispensary News
● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist
● Leah Maurer — Health , Awareness , Ask Leah Columnist
● Jason Mispagel , — Home Growers Education Columnist
● Dr . Poppa , D . O ., M . B . A . ― Medical Health News
● Alexandria Stith ― Patient Feature Columnist
● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates
TM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , select St . Louis locations , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region . Free printed copies are found at nearly 360 locations including CBD stores , MMJ Dispensaries , Garden and Grow Supply Stores , doctors offices , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , and many other select locations . In addition , the monthly magazine is offered online in an inter-active E-magazine at
www . TheEvolutionMag . com .
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6 July 2022
The EVOLUTION Magazine team ; Bill and Victoria Cromwell with Clayton Stallings ( on the right ) at the Patients Out of Time Conference dinner in June .
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