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Cannabis & PMS
Can Cannabis Ease Pre-Menstrual Syndrome ?
by Peter Kershaw , contributing writer
Women of reproductive age commonly experience mensis ( Latin for “ month ”) approximately every 28 days . Hormonal changes trigger the shedding of the lining of the uterus . These hormonal changes can , for some women , be emotionally taxing . Once menstruation actually begins , it ’ s not uncommon for women to experience various physical and emotional discomforts . For some women , the monthly “ period ” may only prove a minor inconvenience , with relatively mild and manageable symptoms .
Unfortunately , some women suffer from symptoms far more severe where their monthly period can be debilitating . This more severe form of PMS is known as Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder . It ’ s estimated that anywhere from 5-8 % of American women suffer from PMDD . Gratefully , even in severe cases , symptoms soon enough pass . However , they all too predictably return , month after month . For such women , their monthly period can truly be awful , not only for them but challenging also for those who love and live with them . Understanding and compassion go a long way with such women .
PMS Emotional Symptoms :
● Mood swings
● Depression , feelings of sadness
● Crying spells
● Tension or anxiety
● Irritability , anger , hostility
● Appetite changes and food cravings
● Trouble falling asleep and / or insomnia
● Fatigue
● Social withdrawal
● Poor concentration
● Concentration or memory problems
● Less interest in sex
18 July 2022
PMS and / or Menstruation Physical Symptoms :
● Headache or backache
● Cramping
● Swollen or tender breasts
● Diarrhea or constipation
● Bloating or gassy feeling
● Clumsiness
● Low tolerance for noise or light
For many centuries cannabis has been used in any number of countries ( e . g ., China , India , etc .) to relieve PMS symptoms . But before getting to that , it ’ s important to discuss some things that may trigger and exacerbate PMS . “ An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure .” Poor diet , inadequate hydration , lack of exercise , and poor sleep hygiene often serve as triggers for PMS , exacerbating what might otherwise be a minor monthly inconvenience . Unsurprisingly , women in western countries , and American women , in particular , suffer more from PMS than women elsewhere who have healthier lifestyles .
In her book , The Diet Cure , Julia Ross ( page 84 ) notes that PMS is virtually unknown in Indonesia , as well as other countries with simple diets free of junk foods . “ Many believe that the American diet is responsible for the PMS that so many American women suffer .” The processed and fast food diet commonly consumed by Americans often wreaks havoc on hormonal homeostasis , the effects being especially evidenced in women just before their monthly periods .
Though the jury is still out , one contributing factor appears to be the ever-increasing use of soy as a food staple / filler . When consumed in moderation , soy has several health benefits . However , American consumption of soy could hardly be considered moderate . Just in the last 15 years , soy consumption has increased at the alarming rate of 5-6 % per year . For all its alleged health benefits , soy also has a downside . Soy contains phytoestrogens — plant estrogens that mimic human estrogen . Consumed in excess , the potential for hormone imbalances may exacerbate PMS , not to mention many other health risks , including breast cancer . Of particular concern to holistic health experts are soy-based baby formulas that have the potential of altering a developing baby ’ s hormonal makeup , perhaps even permanently , including triggering premature pubescence .
Fifty years ago , Japan ’ s superior national health statistics were linked by American health gurus to Japan ’ s soy consumption . This triggered a national soy craze . Tofu became the hot item in health food stores . Not long thereafter , processed food companies jumped on the bandwagon , claiming they had our best health interests at heart . In reality , it was all about their bottom line ( soy is one of the cheapest fillers ). Now virtually every