Wellness ►
Say “ YES ” Throughout 2024 !
A “ YES ” mentality allows you to find solutions instead of arguing or being stuck in disagreements .
by Tara Holm , contributing writer
We could talk about the New Year , all the changes we will make , and goals to crush ! We could talk about all the new things we are manifesting in our lives — New workout plans , New eating habits , Releasing what no longer serves us . All great modalities to make us into our “ Best ” selves . Some of us need the New Year for those fresh starts . Our minds play silly little games of procrastination and patterns . When we think thoughts over and over again , our minds can ’ t distinguish what ’ s real and what ’ s not . Our minds don ’ t know if we ’ re kidding about how we look and act or what we say about ourselves . Every thought and word is so powerful . So , be mindful of what and how you speak about yourself .
Let ’ s talk about the YES word ! Yes is a magical word . Saying yes to the right people , opportunities , and experiences can change your life in an instant . It can also bring joy and happiness that you could never have imagined . Use the power of yes to confidently bring in everything you have ever wanted . Say yes to the walks in nature . Say yes to the boundaries you have set for yourself , and yes to the next experience someone invites you to !
We are really good at saying “ no ,” I won ’ t do that . Or , no , I could never do that , afford that , be that ! If we start to say yes and trust in the universe to guide us , small things start to happen . Put yourself first and set healthy boundaries . You see yourself getting that raise . Visualize yourself on that vacation and have the mindset that it ’ s already yours . Small things start to work in your favor . In just 22 days of creating a new habit , your brain chemistry changes . Yes , in less than a month , you can completely change habits and old patterns and completely transform yourself into your highest self .
We could say “ Yes ” to all the great , sparkly , pretty things , but we also have to say yes
18 January 2024 to the dark , dirty , deep stuff , too ! Health comes in all ways . Mind health is just as important as body health . Here are a few tips on Mind health .
1 . Owning your emotions . You are in control of your emotions . Letting other people dictate how you feel is on you . You cannot control others ’ emotions , actions , or thoughts .
2 . Speak your truth . Not everyone will hear you , and that ’ s okay . Don ’ t ever be silent .
3 . Realizing old patterns and toxic traits . Changing what you do and tell yourself .
4 . Release what does not bring you peace ! If it doesn ’ t bring you time , money , or joy , it ’ s got to go ! Period !
5 . You know yourself the best . You are the only one who knows what you need and how you need to be loved . Choose you ! Don ’ t look for outside sources or people to fulfill your needs . Everything you need , you have inside of you !
At the first of the year , everyone is 100 % on time on goals , life , and health , but do you ever sit back , take a deep breath , and face the dark ? Many people resist change because they ’ re scared . We are afraid of failure , of disappointment , of being vulnerable , so we settle for “ no .” We expect the worst and lose sight of incredible opportunities and chances that can only happen with that one word : YES .
Saying yes has an impact on who we are as a person . In addition to the impact we can have on others , saying yes can positively impact us individually . The right opportunity might help us overcome confidence hurdles , self-doubt , and masqueraded feelings .
The word yes means agreement and connection . Yes brings transference of my power and presence to you . Yes passes on your power and presence to the other person , your friend , your partner , your child , your loved one , your team , and your employees . Yes opens the door to collaboration , to co-creation .
A “ YES ” mentality allows you to find solutions instead of arguing or being stuck in disagreements . Open yourself to new ideas and perspectives . Identifying your thoughts and emotions will guide you in what you need to take a deeper look at .
Use this powerful word every day and watch the magic unfold . Just say YES !
Love and Light , Friends , Tara
Tara Holm has over 12 years of experience in healthcare and over nine years in Personal Training and Wellness Coaching . She helps take care of your body from the inside out . She helps educate about Plant Medicine and ways it can help you find your balance in a healthy and maintainable lifestyle . She is a Clovr Brand Ambassador . Getting the right education out to the public about products has been and will continue to be her goal .