The EVOLUTION Magazine January-2023 | Page 25

The key ingredient that can ’ t be overlooked — Soil !
Silty Soils
Clay Soils
Sandy Soil
making it easy to work with . However , sandy soil ’ s poor water retention leads to quick drying and frequent watering . That headache is in addition to sand not carrying any helpful nutrients for your cannabis plants . Sandy soil alone is definitely not the best soil for growing cannabis .
Silty soils have a slightly finer texture due to their medium granular size , which leads to better water retention while still being able to stabilize your marijuana plants for growth . Silt ’ s richness in minerals and organic substances also makes it a nutritious , fertile soil , but it also has less efficient drainage .
Clay has an even finer texture than silty soil and also has many minerals and nutrients for your cannabis plants , making it an extremely fertile soil choice . However , clay ’ s composition is heavy and hard to manage , and its draining abilities are abysmal .
While sandy , silty , and clay soils all have their benefits individually , the best soil mix for cannabis can be reached by combining all three : enter loamy soils . These soils are a 40:40:20 mixture of sand , silt , and clay , which is the best direction to go for potting . This mixture ensures the final product incorporates the best traits of each soil : the sand ’ s drainage and airflow , the silt ’ s optimal water retention , and the clay ’ s minerals and nutrients . All in all , it makes it a good soil for growing cannabis .
The tenets of cannabis soil selection remain similar whether you ’ re cultivating indoors or outdoors . Texture is still very important , with a loamy soil mixture of clay , sand , and silt supporting cannabis growth the best . In addition , it ’ s still wise to give your plants the nutrients they need to prosper , and the best way to deliver those
nutrients is through soil amendments . Even when you ’ re purchasing bagged potting soil , be sure to pay attention to any amendments that have been included in the mixture .
While cultivating cannabis , you ’ re bound to come across an issue or two . A way to set yourself up for success is by starting off with a strong base . A well-composed , nutrient-rich soil can be the difference between a disappointing yield and a high-worthy harvest .
Lastly , your local grow supply store is a great starting point when looking for the supplies you ’ ll need or help with all gardening questions .
Have a cannabis education related question for Leah ? She ’ s a St . Louis native and a cannabis activist since 2010 ! Leah is excited to help answer all your medical marijuana questions . Please send questions to leah @ theweedblog . com . Your question may be featured in a future issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine .
January 2023 25