and hundreds of birds that drop by my birdfeeders . Then when the wind is right , I hear the occasional lion roaring from the wild cat preserve down the road .
A blue heron lives at the nearby creek — I think it ’ s my buddy Big Blue from the old farm . Why not ? He could have followed me up here .
My dogs have neighbor dogs to play with that used to live in this house . Ribbit , the 80-pound Pit , comes in and lays down in the kitchen and whines about what a difficult life he has . This is how Pit-Bulls got their names . The pit-ty party they all seem to get on .
The Native Americans refer to God as “ The Great Mystery .” The Great Mystery is just that — not male or female or maybe both , which is part of the mystery . Since a written request worked so well the first time , I have decided to write another letter to God , who seems to listen .
Dear God ,
Thanks for the house and for giving me absolutely everything I asked for . Really , thank you from the bottom of my heart . The lions are a very cool bonus !
As you know , I am getting ready to go back to jail again for your very sacred plant , cannabis .
First , I really don ’ t want to . I don ’ t want to get fingerprinted and mugshotted and handcuffed and put back on the group W bench as a return Moral Turpituder , as I was accused of being by the Missouri State Board of Nursing .
Here is what I do want , which is more important than what I don ’ t want !
I want cannabis off the damn Federal Controlled Substance list — not rescheduled down from a class one of no medicinal value to a class two or three like Oxycontin . I want our plant off the schedule entirely . I would also like the immediate release of all cannabis prisoners back home to their families . I would like the immediate expungement of all our cannabis records . I would like to plant my cannabis plants next to my tomatoes this spring , if they are compatible , if not , next to the potatoes or beans or whatever plant is fond of growing next to cannabis .
Thank you , and Happy New Year !! Dolores
In order to meet The EVOLUTION Magazine press deadlines , we write articles two months ahead of the issue month . If all this becomes reality before the January 2022 edition hits the streets , know my gratitude is beyond magnitude .
Dolores Montgomery Halbin , RN , BSN , and Ordained Nurse Minister resides in SW Missouri . After her husband passed in 2015 , she retired from nursing . She worked with the 2014-2018 Missouri campaigns for legalized medical marijuana . She continues as a cannabis reform activist volunteering with Canna Convict Project and working toward Federal decriminalization through educational speaking and freelance journalism . Dolores Halbin ,
doloreshalbin @ gmail . com .
decisions should not be made based on advertising . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products .