The EVOLUTION Magazine February 2024 | Page 6

As I write this in mid-January , we can only hope for a warmer February than the Arctic freeze we are currently enduring . I hope everyone ’ s health , homes , and autos survived . Now we focus on celebrating Black History Month , Valentine ’ s Day , and ( Chiefs ) Super Bowl parties — fingers crossed !

Now , in our fifth year of publishing this magazine , I must tip my hat and extend extreme gratitude to our expert writers . Several of our writers have been with us for the past five years , with others entering their fifth year . I have learned so much from every article they ’ ve written . I hope that you have as well .
Valentine ’ s Day and chocolates go hand in hand . This month , writer Leah Maurer ’ s article is titled “ What is The Difference Between a Gummy and a Chocolate ?” Leah ’ s articles over the past four years have taught me so much . This month , she explains the many variables and factors that contribute to the potency or strength of an edible , whether it ’ s chocolate or a gummy , including the factors of bioavailability , which is the rate at which THC is absorbed into your body . It ’ s an educational read on page 12 .
Now that we ’ ve learned a bit more about infused chocolates , you may want to celebrate Valentine ’ s Day with a few chocolates by Clovr . When it comes to cannabis-infused chocolates , Clovr , a Kansas City area product manufacturer , believes in safe , consistent , and quality cannabis products for medical marijuana patients and adult users alike . The Clovr brand ensures consumers get exactly what they are reading on the label — no chemicals or funny business . Learn more about a few of Clovr ’ s tasty chocolates on page 28 .
On January 12 , Politico . com released a news piece titled , “ Federal scientists conclude there is credible evidence for certain medical uses of marijuana ,” saying , “ The Department of Health and Human Services concluded that marijuana is less harmful than other dangerous drugs and that there is some evidence of its medical benefits in recommending loosening federal restrictions on the drug .” It discusses the agency ’ s release of a 252-page review outlining the reasoning the FDA used to reach this conclusion . The FDA states , “ There exists some credible scientific support for the medical use of marijuana in at least one of the indications for which there is widespread current experience in the United States .” It ’ s an interesting read .
Writer Peter Kershaw has covered multiple health issues where cannabis may help over the past five years , and in this issue , on page 20 , he covers how cannabis could help with Multiple Sclerosis . In May / June 2023 , the International Journal of MS Care published “ Multiple Sclerosis and Use of Medical Cannabis .”
On page 34 , Dr . Poppa ’ s article explores Medical Marijuana Treatment for Sinusitis . Recent research has shown that cannabinoids are often an effective form of treatment for sinusitis . Both Kershaw ’ s and Dr . Poppa ’ s articles further validate the FDA ’ s January report on loosening federal restrictions on cannabis .
This issue is filled with educational and informational articles to benefit readers — and me ! Writer Jay Richardson has a fascinating article about initiating the flowering cycle of marijuana plants on page 36 and making plants flower when “ You ” want them to . Who knew you could do that ? Richardson explains how .
We cap off this issue with our Reflections section and Dolores Hablin ’ s article , “ The Bittersweet Reality Behind Chocolate ,” on page 44 . Hablin takes you through the chocolate industry ’ s lesser-known secrets to a company formed by two sisters in Ghana . These two interspinal women are changing the narrative on how chocolate is harvested and brought to market .
Again , a tip of my hat and extreme gratitude to our expert writers — working for you !
6 February 2024


Bill Cromwell , Publisher


, Editor-in-Chief

Have a Chocolate

Missouri ’ s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City , MO , Advocates , Publishers and Writers . A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients , and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Share Their Story . We hope you join and enjoy “ The EVOLUTION .” Since 2019
PUBLISHER , EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Bill Cromwell News , Articles , Advertisement , & All Requests Should Email to : Bill . C @ TheEvolutionMag . com Corporate Office 816.886.9017 Kansas City , MO Mail to : P . O . Box 485 , Grain Valley , MO 64029
MANAGING EDITOR , VP OF OPERATIONS : Victoria Cromwell DIRECTOR MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT : Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER , GRAPHIC ARTS and EDITORIAL : Bill Cromwell PHOTOGRAPHY : Clayton Stallings , and guests photographers
Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders
● Danielle Buntyon ― Elevated Learning
● Amber Crouch ― Dispensary Product Reviews and News
● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD and THC
● Dolores Halbin , RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness
● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist
● Leah Maurer — Health , Awareness , Ask Leah Columnist
● Dr . Poppa , D . O ., M . B . A . ― Medical Health News
● Jay Richardson ― Patient Features
● Rocco Scarcello ― Educational
● Todd Scattini ― Veterans News
● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Feature Stories
The EVOLUTION TM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , select St . Louis locations , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region . Free printed copies are found at nearly 360 locations including CBD stores , MMJ Dispensaries , Garden and Grow Supply Stores , doctors offices , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , and many other select locations . In addition , the monthly magazine is offered online in an inter-active E-magazine at www . TheEvolutionMag . com .
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ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE : Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers / coupons , change rates or fees without notice . All listed guides , rates , fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only . Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates , current prices and / or special offers .
FDA Disclaimer : Any statements / claims made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration . No articles , products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose , treat , cure , prevent any disease , ailment or disorder . Medical decisions should not be made based on advertisements within these pages . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products . Products mentioned within for use by adults age 21 and older . Keep such products out of reach of children . The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research , opinions and / or educated experience .
© 2019 – 2024 The EVOLUTION TM Magazine . All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved . Reproduction of any part of this publication ’ s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor .