The EVOLUTION Magazine February 2024 | Page 12

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ask Leah ...

Missouri Cannabis Education

Cannabis Edibles

What is The Difference Between a Gummy and a Chocolate ? by Leah Maurer , contributing writer


Leah Maurer , a native Missourian , is now a canna-journalist and activist living in Portland , OR . She is a co-owner of ​ www . TheWeedBlog . com , a top national cannabis news and information publication , where she serves as the Editorial Lead . In 2014 , Leah founded Moms for YES on Measure 91 through grassroots efforts alone , it proved pivotal in the passage of the Measure , successfully legalizing recreational / adult-use cannabis in the OR . Leah is a social justice and cannabis activist at the core and hopes to see an end to the prohibition of cannabis globally .
12 February 2024

One of the cannabis industry ’ s largest sectors is edible products , with gummies and chocolates leading the way in popularity . These edibles , while both enjoyable and effective , offer distinct experiences due to differences in composition and how they interact with the human body . In this article , I ’ ll take a deeper dive into this comparison and explore these differences , with a particular focus on absorption and the potential impact of their ingredients on digestive systems .

First , let ’ s consider the difference in absorption into the human body . Gummies , much like other edibles , are processed through the digestive system . The cannabinoids within them are released as the gummy is digested in the stomach and intestines . The digestion process is such that effects from gummies may take between 30 minutes to two hours to manifest fully . Due to the gradual release of cannabinoids , the effects can last between four to eight hours . Chocolates , like gummies , enter the system via the digestive pathway . The onset can be unpredictable . While many feel effects within an hour , some might experience a delay . Like gummies ( and other edibles , for that matter ), the effects generally last between four to eight hours .
Then , there is the impact of the ingredients on the digestive system . Gummies often contain a mix of sugars , gelatin , flavorings , and cannabis extracts . For some consumers , the sugars and artificial additives might lead to digestive discomfort or irregularities , especially when consumed in large quantities . Cannabis chocolates contain cocoa , sugars , fats , and sometimes additional flavorings . While the fats in chocolates can enhance cannabinoid absorption , the sugars and other ingredients might affect individuals differently . Some might experience a gentler digestive response , while others could face challenges like bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort . As with other cannabis products , it is important to note that everyone may have different experiences , in this case , with both the endocannabinoid system and the digestive system .
One unique aspect of chocolates is their fat content . Cocoa butter and other fats present in chocolates can play a significant role in the absorption of cannabinoids . Cannabinoids , being lipophilic ( fat-loving ), bind well with fats . This binding can potentially enhance the absorption rate and efficiency of cannabinoids from chocolates compared to gummies . In simpler terms , the fats in chocolates might facilitate a quicker and more effective uptake of cannabinoids into the bloodstream , leading to potentially stronger and faster-acting effects for some individuals .
If you are looking for fast-acting effects , many consumers agree that it is better to go with gummies because they tend to contain less fat content compared to chocolates . Like-