From The Editor
Bill Cromwell , Publisher , Editor-in-Chief
The Finish Line is Near
Within a few days of this issue hitting the streets , Missouri will be the 21st state to sell adult-use and medical marijuana legally . For all those who have fought for years — many years — the finish line is near as sales are planned to begin on February 6 .
In January , MoCannTrade reported , “ A 2019 study by a University of Missouri Economics Professor predicted there would be just 26,000 Missouri medical marijuana patients by 2022 . Because of the unprecedented success and popularity of the program , Missouri surpassed 200,000 medical marijuana patients in 2022 .”
Since our first issue , June 2019 , we have featured numerous patient stories about how legally accessing medical cannabis in a safe dispensary environment has a real positive impact on their health — when pharmaceuticals did not . One of the most recent stories in our January 2023 issue , written by Lana Sterling , tells of her journey battling colon cancer and managing pain with the help of medical cannabis products . It is a must read . If you missed the January issue , it can be found on our website , and see her article on page 36 . Prepare yourself ; while it is extremely informative , it is also a true tear-jerker .
Amendment 3 , legalizing adult-use sales , builds on the successful medical program by continuing to prioritize medical patients . On pages 16 and 17 of this issue , we break down the differences between adult use and medical use and why medical patients will want to retain their medical marijuana certifications . The first benefit will be medical patients will continue to pay only a 4 % sales tax , which is much lower than the adult-use tax — ultimately making your medicine more affordable in addition to several other benefits , including higher possession limits and greater employment protections .
Adult-use consumers will also benefit by reviewing the Q & A on those pages to learn about possession limits , home grow regulations , and more need to know before you visit one of Missouri ’ s 194 dispensaries . Speaking of that , be sure to read Ask Leah on page 24 . Leah will guide you through “ how to get the most out of your first dispensary trip .” Her article will help anyone , who will , for the first time ever , enter an overwhelming environment filled with hundreds of cannabis products , from gummies to chocolates , potato chips , coffees ( yes , coffee ), flavored beverages , and of course , mass amounts of various flower . Oh my , where do I start ? Leah will guide you to the need to know before you go .
If you ’ re new to this magazine , you ’ ll want to grab a copy of each new issue . You ’ ll learn about the newest products entering a dispensary and those products ’ features , benefits , and profiles . Want to grow at home ? We have you covered there as well . Each issue offers guidance and growing tips for those with or without a green thumb . Check out pages 32 and 44 in this issue for samples of great growing tips and information to help your plants grow and produce the flower of your desire .
You made it to the line ; enjoy your shopping experience .
6 February 2023
Missouri ’ s First Educational Medical Cannabis Magazine Published Monthly by Native Kansas City , MO , Advocates , Publishers and Writers . A True Missouri Born Grassroots Effort to Educate and Inform Patients , and to Provide Businesses within The Missouri Cannabis Industry an Economical Forum to Tell Their Story . We hope you join and enjoy “ The Evolution .”
PUBLISHER , EDITOR-IN-CHIEF : Bill Cromwell News , Articles and Advertisement Requests should email to : Bill . C @ TheEvolutionMag . com Corporate Office ( New 8 / 22 ): 816.886.9017 Kansas City , MO Mail to : P . O . Box 2196 , Independence , MO 64055
MANAGING EDITOR , VP OF OPERATIONS : Victoria Cromwell DIRECTOR MARKETING and EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENT : Clayton Stallings CREATIVE DESIGNER , GRAPHIC ARTS and EDITORIAL : Bill Cromwell PHOTOGRAPHY : Clayton Stallings , and guests photographers
Our Team of Expert Writers and Cannabis Industry Leaders
● Danielle Buntyon ― Elevated Learning
● Karla Deel — Cannabis Culture and History , Product Profiles
● Kassie Ferrero ― Dispensary Product Reviews and News
● Dana Cunningham — Cooking with CBD and THC
● Dolores Halbin , RN — Patient Advocate and Awareness
● Sean Keast ― Product Profiles and Dispensary News
● Peter Kershaw — Health and Safety Columnist
● Leah Maurer — Health , Awareness , Ask Leah Columnist
● Jason Mispagel , — Home Growers Education Columnist
● Dr . Poppa , D . O ., M . B . A . ― Medical Health News
● Jay Richardson ― Patient Features
● Rocco Scarcello ― Educational
● Todd Scattini ― Veterans News
● Monthly Guest Writers — Cannabis News & Patient Advocates
The EVOLUTION TM Magazine offers a monthly print magazine that is distributed throughout western Missouri , select St . Louis locations , eastern Kansas and the Lake of the Ozarks region . Free printed copies are found at nearly 360 locations including CBD stores , MMJ Dispensaries , Garden and Grow Supply Stores , doctors offices , restaurants , sports bars , resorts , and many other select locations . In addition , the monthly magazine is offered online in an inter-active E-magazine at www . TheEvolutionMag . com .
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ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE : Advertisers have the right to terminate promotions or special offers / coupons , change rates or fees without notice . All listed guides , rates , fees and information herein are non-binding reference material only . Always check with listed businesses or advertisers for its latest updates , current prices and / or special offers .
FDA Disclaimer : Any statements / claims made within this magazine have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration . No articles , products or Ads featured within these pages are intended to diagnose , treat , cure , prevent any disease , ailment or disorder . Medical decisions should not be made based on advertisements within these pages . Consult a physician on the benefits and risks of particular medical marijuana products . Products mentioned within for use by adults age 21 and older . Keep such products out of reach of children . The information within is a sharing of knowledge and information based on the writers research , opinions and / or educated experience .
© 2019 – 2023 The EVOLUTION TM Magazine . All Rights Proprietary and Conceptual Designs Reserved . Reproduction of any part of this publication ’ s contents is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher or Managing Editor .