The EVOLUTION Magazine February 2023 | Page 36

It ’ s National Cancer Prevention Month . by Lana Sterling , contributing writer

The Basics of Cancer

It ’ s National Cancer Prevention Month . by Lana Sterling , contributing writer

February is National Cancer Prevention Month . With that in mind , early detection is one of the keys to successful prevention . I should know because , in early 2021 , doctors told me my colon cancer was back and at stage four . Please read my story and how THC is helping in the January 2023 issue of The EVOLUTION Magazine . For me , understanding cancer helps , so let ’ s start with the basics of it first .

“ Cancer is defined as diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues . Cancer cells can also spread to other body parts through the blood and lymph systems .” 1
There are more than 200 types of cancer . Each with a different biology onto itself . Cancer . Net , with oncologist-approved cancer information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology , 2 is a wonderful resource for initial research . It ’ s a comprehensive site that is a good starting point for understanding the basics , early signs , and possible treatments .
The Five Most Common Types of Cancer
Breast cancer : There are several subtypes of breast cancer . It is most commonly spread through the lymph system . Beware , it ’ s not just women who have it . It ’ s starting to show up more and more in males as well .
Early signs
● A hard lump in the breast tissues and / or under the arms .
● Changes in the size , shape , or feel of the breasts .
● Unusual occurrences like nipple discharges , sometimes with blood , and other physical changes that are not normal .
● Skin irritation or changes , such as puckering , dimpling , scaliness , or new creases .
● A warm , red , swollen breast with or without a rash with dimpling resembling the skin of an orange , called “ peau d ’ orange .”
● Pain in the breast , especially if it doesn ’ t go away . Pain is not usually a symptom of breast cancer , but it should be reported to a doctor .
Colorectal cancer : They are solid tumors in the colon or rectum . Mine was found in the colon during my first colonoscopy . At the time , being a 45-year-old woman , I did not fit the typical colon cancer patient mold . But life is full of surprises .
Early signs
● A change in bowel habits such as diarrhea , constipation , or feeling that the bowel does not empty .
● Bright red or very dark blood in the stool . Or stools that look narrower or thinner than normal .
● Discomfort in the abdomen , such as frequent gas pains , bloating , fullness , and cramps .
● Weight loss with no known explanation ( my weight actually increased right beforehand ).
● Constant tiredness , fatigue , and unexplained iron-deficiency anemia ( low red blood count ).
I experienced stomach bloating , GI issues , difficulty swallowing , blood in the stool , night sweats , excessive sleeping , brain fog , and fatigue . But , darn it , no weight loss .
Lung cancer : Lung cancer affects more than 200,000 people in the U . S . and about 2.3 million people worldwide yearly . There are two main types — small cell and non-small cell . It can be caused by smoking , air pollution , and genetics . But anyone can get lung cancer , not necessarily just smokers .
Early signs
● Fatigue ● Cough ● Shortness of breath ● Loss of appetite
● Chest pain if a tumor spreads to the lung lining or other parts of the body near the lungs .
● Coughing up phlegm , mucus , or blood .
● Unintentional weight loss ● Voice hoarseness
Prostate cancer : The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located behind the base of the penis , in front of the rectum , and below the bladder ( sounds like it doesn ’ t like to be found ). The prostate ’ s main function is to make seminal fluid , the liquid in semen that protects , supports , and helps transport sperm .
Early Signs
● Frequent urination , especially at night .
● Weak , interrupted urine flow or the need to strain to empty the bladder .
● Blood in the urine ● New onset of erectile dysfunction
● Pain or burning during urination , which is less common .
● Discomfort or pain when sitting caused by an enlarged prostate
● Pain in the back , hips , thighs , shoulders , or other bones
● Swelling or fluid buildup in the legs or feet
● Unexplained weight loss ● Fatigue ● Change in bowel habits
Skin cancer : It is the most common type of cancer in America , with more than three million Americans diagnosed yearly . There are two main types : Melanoma and non-melanoma . A good friend of mine has the early stages of skin cancer . Her moles would change in as little as three months . It can be a fast-acting , aggressive cancer .
Melanoma can be developed from normal existing moles or new moles . There could be changes in shape , size , border , or color ( brown , black , tan , slightly red , or no color ) of the moles . The moles can be anywhere on the body , including the head , neck , under fingernails , genitals , soles of the feet , or palms of the hands . It can grow deep into the layers of the skin . In certain stages , it can also grow in blood
36 February 2023