How toGrow BIG Plants and micronutrients found in the environment or provided by an attentive gardener .
So , how can we take the lessons learned from nature and translate them into sprouting one or two seeds in the comfort of our own home ? For starters , we need to place the seeds in a warm , humid , dark environment , similar to what they ’ d experience as they lie in wait for spring , just below the soil ’ s surface . This can be done directly in soil , but neutral media such as peat pellets , coco coir , Rockwool , or other root cubes would also suffice . No need for expensive , nutrient-rich soil at this point . Remember that each seed already contains every bit of energy needed to sprout and develop roots .
Pre-moisten the grow media and place it in a seedling tray , cup , or insert to hold it in place . The seeds should be planted just below the media ’ s surface . A high humidity level will encourage the taproot to emerge from its shell . The easiest way to create this is by placing a translucent humidity dome or cover over the grow media .
Temperatures should remain in the high 70s to low 80s during this phase . Low temperatures mixed with high humidity levels are an invitation for mold , and extremely high temperatures will basically cook your tender plants . If you ’ re struggling to keep temperatures warm enough , a seedling heat mat with a thermostat can be placed under the tray , cup , or pot to ensure optimal conditions .
Once the green sprout emerges , it ’ s time to remove the cover or dome and begin providing the seedling with low levels of light and nutrition . It now has roots and foliage , which means it can begin performing photosynthesis to fuel its continued growth .
Asexual propagation occurs when a branch from an existing plant is cut , forms roots , and becomes a plant of its own . Technically , the new plant is genetically identical to its “ mother ,” meaning its DNA is indistinguishable . We term this process “ cloning ,” but if you think about it , we ’ re actually allowing the original plant to exist in multiple places at the same time . Ponder this one ; it just may become fuel for a deep discussion during your next smoke sesh ! I ’ ll give a quick shoutout to tissue culture , another form of asexual propagation where the slightest scrape of tissue from an existing plant is used to isolate an individual cell , replicate it , and grow a whole new plant . Although a much more involved process that takes significantly longer for the new plant to form , it ’ s still cloning . However , we ’ ll focus on the more traditional cloning method by branch cutting .
The first step in the cloning process is identifying a healthy mother plant . It should be well hydrated ( i . e ., watered in the last 12-24 hours ) and free of pests or disease . Identify a branch that has at least four to eight inches of length , measuring from the tip of the branch back towards the plant . Cut off this portion of the branch at a 45-degree angle and place it in a cup of regular water , cut-side down . The water will help keep your cutting from wilting and prevent air from entering the stem .
As mentioned briefly in our discussion on seeds , cannabis needs both roots to uptake water / nutrients and leaves to perform photosynthesis . We have the foliage portion under control , but our fresh cutting lacks roots . Fortunately , the cells within our branch have the ability to reprogram themselves from focusing on vegetative growth to developing new roots . The key to this process is providing the proper environment , beginning with high humidity levels and warm temperatures like those ideal for sprouting seeds . And just as with seeds , cuttings don ’ t require any nutrients and will need very little light . In fact , nutrients applied via a foliar spray and / or excessive amounts of light may actually slow the rooting process and potentially damage the cutting .
Remove the branch from the cup of water and place it firmly in a pre-moistened grow media of your choosing . Remember , no nutrition is necessary at this point , so a neutral media like any of those used for starting seeds would be acceptable . The media ’ s goal is simply to provide support for your clone and keep it hydrated as roots develop .
Male Plant
Monitor the grow media to ensure it remains moist , watering as necessary , never allowing it to dry out completely . Within two to three weeks , you ’ ll see white roots emerging — a sign that the clone has now become a plant of its own .
But wait … there ’ s more !
Female Plant
We ’ ve covered basic propagation principles in this article , but that ’ s just scratching the surface . Keep an eye out for next month ’ s article in The Evolution Magazine , where we ’ ll discuss specific propagation techniques along with more advanced seed-starting and cloning topics .
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