The Ethical Culture Movement Apr. 2013 | Page 7

The American Ethical Union formed the so-called Eight Commitments by which they aspire to live their lives:

I. The creation of a humane environment is the top priority of the movement.

II. The emphasis is placed on people’s realization that change is needed to live a more fulfilling life.

III. The Ethical Society believes in equality and that each and every person is valuable.

IV. Truthfulness is a key concept in the belief system of the community. Acting responsibly and reliably are top values of the movement.

V. According to the principles of Ethical Culture, education is essential in the development of an individual; therefore, its importance is repeatedly emphasized.

V. Self-reflection is encouraged and expected of the members. In order to fully serve the community, one needs to engage in primary group activities and help those in need.

VII. Democratic process is crucial in creating a humane environment.

VIII. One needs to contemplate on the meaning of life alone but is alarmed to be aware of the fact that human interaction is crucial in this process and is one of the driving forces of human life.