General Idea Life & Work by Sarah E.K. Smith Canadian artists.33 There was a small number of isolated commercial galleries in Canada, with scant communication between them and no art fairs or any other signs of a developed commercial system. Artist-run centres provided a means of artist-led selfdetermination and a key source of support for experimental projects such as video works, performance art, and conceptual art, as well as exhibiting more conventional art forms.34 General Idea was active in this burgeoning artist-run centre scene, which included Intermedia in Vancouver. In Toronto the group exhibited entries from The 1971 Miss General Idea Pageant, 1971, at A Space, an artist-run centre founded in 1971. General Idea established Art Metropole in 1974.35 The organization’s mandate is to serve as a “collection agency devoted to the documentation, archiving and distribution of all the images.”36 This breadth is the strength of the institution, which distributes artists’ books, videos, audio works, posters, multiples, T-shirts, and more. Art Metropole also disseminated writing about new media and other art forms, for example in their “by artists” series of publications, which includes Video by Artists (1976), Performance by Artists (1979), Books by Artists (1981), Museums by Artists (1983), and Sound by Artists (1990).37 Cover of Video by Artists, edited by Peggy Gale, Toronto: Art Metropole, 1976 Cover of Performance by Artists, edited by AA Bronson and Peggy Gale, Toronto: Art Metropole, 1979 General Idea founded Art Metropole in part due to the amount of mail art and ephemera they were collecting through FILE.38 In fact, Art Metropole was conceived of as an artwork—specifically, the archive and the museum shop for The 1984 Miss 54