General Idea

Life & Work by Sarah E . K . Smith
In 1971 in Toronto , shortly after General Idea began producing work , the key publication The Body Politic was founded . Described as “ Canada ’ s gay newspaper of record ,” it was a highly controversial and embattled publication . In the same period , other spontaneous actions of civil resistance and community organization occurred . For instance , a series of small-scale picnics on Hanlan ’ s Point , Toronto Islands , began in concert with civil rights marches . Despite these moments of declaration , equality remained elusive , and there existed widespread violence against and surveillance and repression of LGBT communities . In 1978 The Body Politic was charged with obscenity . General Idea participated in a public demonstration against this censorship in January 1979 , contributing a performance titled Anatomy of Censorship , 1979 .
The fight for LGBT equality continued in the 1980s . Operation Soap was a pivotal moment in the Canadian fight for LGBT civil rights . On February 5 , 1981 , the Toronto police coordinated a large-scale raid on four Toronto bathhouses , leading to the arrest of more than three hundred men — including Zontal . This raid led to public outcry and large protests , which galvanized support across the country and reframed the struggle for equality as one of human rights .
General Idea ’ s work should be understood in the context of this paradigm shift . Though their art is now seen as unabashedly speaking to queer identity , this theme was not addressed by critics until the mid-1980s . In the art world at the time , sexuality was not a topic that could be raised . The artists did not experience censorship ; rather , this facet of their projects was simply ignored . Bronson explained , “ Sexuality was kind of a dangerous subject in the art world . Sex was never touched upon . And , to call yourself a gay artist would be , of course , the death knell of your career .”
Despite this , General Idea made many brazen and playful references to queer identity in their works , such as Baby Makes 3 , 1984 / 89 . In
Cover of the first issue of The Body Politic ( November – December 1971 )
this portrait , Bronson , Zontal , and Partz are depicted in bed together , with the covers pulled up to their chins . Rosy cheeks and softly rounded faces suggest innocence and
infantalization . The trio alludes to a traditional nuclear family while also suggesting a queering of this format . This reference to family also reflects the nature of General
Cover of The Body Politic : Special Police Raid Issue ( February 1978 )
LEFT : General Idea , Baby Makes 3 , 1984 / 89 , chromogenic print ( Ektachrome ), 76.9 x 63.1 cm , edition of three plus one artist ’ s proof , signed and numbered , various collections RIGHT : General Idea , Mondo Cane Kama Sutra ( detail ), 1984 , fluorescent acrylic on canvas , 243.8 x 304.8 x 10 cm , Collection General Idea . This painting is one from a set of ten that comprise the work