General Idea Life & Work by Sarah E.K. Smith Fin de siècle 1990 General Idea, Fin de siècle, 1990 Installation of expanded polystyrene with three stuffed faux seal pups (acrylic, glass, and straw), dimensions variable Private collection, Turin The installation Fin de siècle represents General Idea’s poignant commentary on those struck by the AIDS pandemic. This deeply charged work is also one of the last selfportraits the trio created in their twenty-five-year collaboration. The work was featured in the group’s 1992–93 touring exhibition of the same name. 1 The large-scale piece comprises a minimum of three hundred 120 by 240 centimetre sheets of Styrofoam that fill a room, creating the impression of a large field of breaking ice. Located within the landscape are three charming, artificial harp seal pups. This installation makes reference to a historic Romantic landscape painting of a shipwreck: The Wreck of the Hope, 1823–24, also known as The Arctic Sea, by German artist Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840). The artists drew on the aesthetic of this painting, recreating its forbidding Arctic Ocean landscape. The insertion LEFT: Caspar David Friedrich, The Wreck of the Hope (The Arctic Sea), 1823–24, oil on canvas, 96.7 x 126.9 cm, Kunsthalle Hamburg RIGHT: General Idea, Fin de siècle, 1994, chromogenic print (Ektachrome), 79 x 55.7 cm, edition of twelve plus three artist’s proofs, signed and numbered, various collections of faux seal pups in the Arctic scene recalls a diorama from a natural history museum. Fin de siècle is an acutely moving work. Viewers are meant to question the placement of the seal pups—are they playful and cute, or are they a prelude to disaster?2 It is unclear what fate they will encounter. The installation can be read broadly in terms of environmentalism. AA Bronson spoke of the indefinite meanings attached to seals, noting that while environmentalists were attempting to save the seal population, the Canadian government was offering 42