The Essence Of All Religion The Essence Of All Religions | Page 42

The Essence of All Religion 31 it is the stomach that is being tortured. What is the poor person to do? The mind has erred but the body receives the blame. Where has the poor body erred? What is the point in trying to clean the external (conduct), over which we have no control, and then what is the use of complaining afterwards? Really it is the internal that needs to be cleansed and purified. All these people are trying to clean the external; they dunk their bodies again and again in the river Ganges. What good do these rituals accomplish? One should dunk their mind, their buddhi (intellect), their chit (inner complex of knowledge and vision). One should dunk his ego. Have you ever given these a bath? No wonder they are so dirty. Everything remains well during childhood. As you grow older, it starts to spoil and begins to fill with dirt. That is why I tell you to stop fretting about your behavior and start concentrating on your bhaav through these kalams. Your next life will be the best yet. Questioner : Can people change their behavior in this manner even if they do not want to take Gnan? Dadashri : Yes, they can change everything. Anyone may recite these kalams. Questioner : When something wrong happens, these kalams become potent solution. Dadashri : This is the greatest purusharth (independent effort towards liberation). I have disclosed to you the highest science, and everyone must understand it. I have mandated just this much and have told people to do at least this much. Just take it as a medicine. Questioner : All the internal diseases will be destroyed. Dadashri : Yes they will come to an end. ‘Dada’ has