The Essence of All Religion 29 misdeeds . These energies will manifest when this cleansing occurs .
Questioner : This is phenomenal and great , Dada . It is guaranteed to improve the life of anyone who reads it .
Dadashri : Yes . Until now he had never found anything that was worth understanding . This is the first time that he is getting something that he can clearly understand . Once a person uses these nine kalams , he will find all the solutions .
It does not matter how many of these nine kalams you are able to follow . Do not let it bother you if you cannot follow any of them . All you have to do is to ask for strength , and that strength will accumulate within you . Then the work will get done automatically . When you ask for strength , all the nine kalams will be set up . It is enough even if you just say them . Once you ask for the strength , the strength will be granted to you .
Questioner : Previously you had said that , while smoking this pipe from within , you are making the bhaav that , ‘ I should not be smoking , offer anyone a smoke , nor should I be encouraging anyone else to smoke …”
Dadashri : Yes , the meaning behind that bhaav is that , “ I do not agree with the action that is taking place on .” That is what I am trying to say . When the time is right , this hukka ( water-smoking pipe ) will no longer be used . Now , ‘ I ’ am not attached to it , it is attached to me . So a time will come when even this smoking will cease .
For example , when you go to someone ’ s home unannounced , the person who opens the door will welcome you , but from within he may be annoyed at your unannounced arrival . In this situation his outward behavior is positive whereas his inner bhaav is negative . Compare this with what we have