The Essence Of All Religion The Essence Of All Religions | Page 36
The Essence of All Religion
repayments have to be made in the next life) when you curse
a person who is no longer living. This kalam is addressing this
point exactly. That is why I am telling you not to commit such
faults. Even if a person did evil things during his lifetime, we
should not speak negatively about him.
Even now we must not say anything negative about Raavan
(opponent of Lord Rama in Ramayana) because he is still
dehdhari (in physical form) living elsewhere, and when you talk
about him, it will reach him. If you slander him, it reaches him.
If people are talking negatively about a dead relative of
yours, you must not get involved. If you do become involved in
it, you must repent and tell yourself not to do so again. There
is a grave danger in talking about the dead. Our people never
seem to leave the dead alone.
Committing slander in this life is the result of wrong opinions
in previous life. These kalams prevent future life bondage. For
example, if you are addicted to smoking, while smoking you
should say, “Give me strength not to smoke, or cause or
encourage others to smoke.” In this manner you will be able to
free yourself. The nature of the body is to lead you astray. So
you have to have these bhaavnas.
Questioner : “Hae Dada Bhagwan! Mane jagat kalyan
karvaanu nimit banvaani param shakti aapo, shakti aapo, shakti
“Dearest Dada Bhagwan! Give me then infinite inner
strength to become an instrument for the world in the path of
Questioner : How does this bhaavna for the salvation
of the world work?