The Essence Of All Religion The Essence Of All Religions | Page 33

22 The Essence of All Religion Samrassi means that every taste is acceptable. Perhaps a particular taste may be taken to a lesser degree, but everything should be acceptable. Questioner : Is there any connection between Gnan and samrassi meals? For the awareness in Gnan, should we avoid meals that are not samrassi? Dadashri : As far as samrassi meals are concerned, for the mahatmas (those who have received Gnan) every thing is vyavasthit (scientific circumstantial evidence) so there should not be any fuss over what is served. This kalam is for the benefit of people at large. Our mahatmas, however, should at least think about eating as much samrassi meals as is possible. PRAKRUTI: MULTIPLICATION - DIVISION Quest ioner : Does this prakruti (one’s inherent nature; characteristics; personality; the non-self, all that is within the body except Atma) have to have samrassi food? Dadashri : What is prakruti? Prakruti ceases to be when ‘that which was multiplied by thirteen is divided by thirteen.’ (negate with something that will leave no balance) Now what happens when you divide seventeen by thirteen? There will be a remainder. Therefore, I suggest a different kind of division. Questioner : So that which was multiplied by thirteen needs to be divided by thirteen? Dadashri : If you do that, only then there will be no remainder. Questioner : Give us as an example. Dadashri : Prakruti is the result of the bhaavs you did previously. These bhaavs were based on whatever you ate at that time. You multiplied those bhaavs with thirteen. Now you