The Essence Of All Religion The Essence Of All Religions | Page 29
The Essence of All Religion
called ‘mrudu.’ So you should speak simply and humbly and
ask for the strength to do so. If you keep doing this, you will
get the strength. If your son is hurt by your harsh language, you
must repent, and tell him, “I am sorry. I will not say such things
again.” This is the only way to improve the speech and ‘this’ is
the only college.
Questioner : So what is the difference in katthor;
tunteeli language and mrudu; rujhu language?
Dadashri : Some people use harsh language and say
things like, “You are worthless, you are wicked, you are a
thief.” They use words that we may have never heard before.
Katthor speech can be so intense that it can even stop the
heart. Katthor speech is never pleasant. It is an egotistical
Tunteeli speech will convey rivalry and obstinacy. For
example a woman may say, “See how well I can cook. My
cooking is exquisite and she does not even know how to cook.”
Tunteeli speech is very bad.
One should not use katthor and tunteeli (harsh and hurtful)
speech. All faults through speech are covered by these two
words. So in your spare time you should keep asking Dada
Bhagwan for strength to speak shuddha (pure), syaadvaad
(accepted by all, not hurting the ego of anyone), and mrudu-
rujhu (simple and humble) speech.
Questioner : “Hae Dada Bhagwan! Mane koi pan
deh-dhaari jivatma pratye streeh, purush, agar napunsak,
gumeh te lingdhari hoi, toh tenah sambandhi kinchit matra
pan vishay-vikaar sambandhi dosho, icchao, chestao ke
vichaar sambandhi dosho na karai, na karavai, ke karta
pratye na anumodai evi param shakti aapo. Mane nirantar