The Equity Advantage 2021-2022 | Page 41

employees ; four-year plan for part-time employees ). Our Culture 101 element includes eight sessions designed to promote and strengthen employees within our culture .
NWTC Employees of Color Affinity Space
In November 2020 , a session was offered to NWTC employees of color . This virtual experience provides an opportunity for BIPOC employees to discuss and leverage their skills around issues of racial justice and equity . In Spring of 2021 , the College provided a follow-up 2 par series session . The purpose of this series is to create a comfortable environment in which Black Indigenous , and other People of Color ( BIPOC ) faculty / staff can explore the significance of being a person of color at NWTC , and the relationship between their social identities and professional roles .
Through interactive activities and dialogue , participants will cultivate the skills and competencies necessary for navigating racial microaggressions , implicit bias , difficult dialogues , group dynamics , and hierarchies within the institution . Participants shared best practices and strategies for success at NWTC .
Professional Development / Experiential Learning
Employees are encouraged to personalize and design their continuous growth , development , and life-long learning experiences . Talent Development consultants are on site to partner with employees and provide them with resources , guidance , learning opportunities , and experiences that could include department job shadowing , cross-functional training , charter team collaboration , international programs , conferences , community involvement , mentorship , stretch / challenge assignments , self-study , and more .
RISE Student Leadership Series ( Racial Inclusion for Student Equity )
This program is designed to better prepare student leaders to be culturally aware and active advocates for promoting diversity and inclusion .
The Center for Transformation and Change
In accordance with the College ’ s drive to focus on racial justice , the Executive Leadership Team sponsored a yearlong training focused on dismantling racism . The purpose was to create intentional experiences to create a deeper understanding of the life experiences of our students that will lead to strategies that will reflect the strength of those differences and respond to the needs , in a non-judgmental way , of our students of color .
Goals :
• Students of color will be more engaged , feel a sense of belonging .
• White students and employees will be less likely to engage in microaggressions .
• Overall impact includes : the achievement gap will narrow , students of color will be in high paying programs , the experiences of persons of color will be valued equally to technical skill when it comes to hiring employees .