1: An effective dressage rider looks upon each failure as a ladder rung: step on it and lift
yourself up.
Great riders know that failure is a constant on the road to success and they train themselves
to use it in their favor. Failure provides us with critical information which we then use to improve our work. Embrace it. Welcome it. Study it and learn its lesson. Each time you fail, be
thankful for the information, put it behind you, raise yourself up to the next ladder rung and
try again. Failure is not the end, it is the beginning.
2: An effective dressage rider leaves their personal issues on the ground, approaching each
ride emotionally neutral.
What is energetically in us, goes into the horse. If you carry your emotional refuse into the
ride, ie; bad day at work, family problems, etc., it will inevitably effect performance. Be very
careful what you put in as horses are like computers, if you write bad code, you will have to
rewrite it at some point. Learn to neutralize your emotions BEFORE you get on the horse. This
will give both of you an opportunity to begin the ride clean.