But, this is precisely the information that has led you astray.
Truth is, you don’t need more protein. You instead need to make sure that your body is
using the protein you are eating more effectively.
And this is where most bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike fail miserably.
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Wade
Lightheart. Like many of you reading this right
now, I started my bodybuilding journey young.
For me it was at the tender age of 15. I was
excited about the body I could build and
couldn’t wait to hit the gym each day and
see what I could do. I was a naturally small guy
and all I wanted was to build more muscle.
I kept at it, working hard day in and day out.
Over the next 15 years or so, all while being a
vegetarian bodybuilder, I was able to capture 13
different bodybuilding titles, in five different
weight classes. I was constantly hungry for more
and after winning at one weight class, I would
set my sights on advancement. My goal was to
constantly be improving – constantly be getting
bigger and stronger.
I was able to win three national titles and
competed at both the Mr. Universe and Natural
Mr. Olympia contests. Throughout this time, I
learned a few things. And some of those
things, I learned the hard way.
One of the most important lessons I learned however was that there is more than one way
to go about building muscle mass. I saw guys using all kinds of different strategies – and
seeing results from those strategies. Sometimes to my utter amazement.
What I really came to understand however was that the real champions were the ones that
had really dialed into their own body and had figured out the ultimate diet that was best
for them. They weren’t following some cookie-cutter approach some contest prep coach
gave them. They had been fighting the battle for years and throughout, and had learned
exactly what their body needed and when.
Then I saw those who hadn’t yet learned this important lesson. Instead of tuning into their
own body, they were simply chasing the latest information in the ‘bodybuilding industry’.