The English Channel Vol 17, Special Edition Save The Date 2017 | Page 8

EXTRA! EXTRA! September 13th, 1876 City officials in Camden, Ohio are looking into future legal action— with the town of Clyde, Ohio pos- sibly joining them in their suit— against Sherwood Anderson, who was born in this small farming town today. If you are unable to find Camden on the map, that may be because it—along with Clyde—will never be a locus of literary interest. A resident of Winesburg, Ohio suggested that before bringing suit, Camden and Clyde officials “actually read the ‘fine print’.” Pausing in a struggle to communi- cate his feelings, he went on, “Look, it’s a great story. There are lots of great stories. I could name about 22 off the top of my head— but then I spend a lot of time alone. With nothing to do.” When asked if we could name him in this story, he scanned the town center, where people appeared to be going about their own business, or just going about by themselves, with no real business, or even an aim, in sight. “Sure. Heck, name me what- ever you want. It’s not like people will care about stuff like that 100 years from now….” 8