The English Channel Vol 17, Special Edition Save The Date 2017 | Page 6
September 12th, 1943
A hospital in Ceylon (which
will become Sri Lanka) wel-
comed a VIP (Very Impor-
tant Patient) today:
Michael Ondaatje.
Nurses report Baby On-
daatje already appears to
know and recognize his
name and is happily explor-
ing his crib and the nursery,
seemingly with the intent to
‘plot’ them out.
The hospital plans to dis-
charge the young patient
soon, and anticipate he will
go on to England (though
probably not for another 10
years) before emigrating to
One Nurse, who while also
knowing her name prefers to
be referred to as Nurse H.
says, “I think his stay here
has really made an impact
on him. I can see him revisit-
ing the setting, perhaps as an
English Patient, as that is
where his mother will be liv-
ing. He doesn’t have much
hair now, but he looks
Fiennes [sic]….”