Faculty Notes News & Notables for Niels Herold
Promotion & Pilgrimages!
Faculty Notes News & Notables for Niels Herold
This year Niels Herold was recommended for promotion to the rank of Professor by unanimous vote of the FRPC, and the Board of Trustees subsequently approved the promotion in recognition of Herold ' s numerous achievements in teaching, research, and service.
This past summer Herold made the pilgrimage to Stratford UK for the 400 death centenary celebrations of Shakespeare at the World Shakespeare Congress, where he presented a paper on a prison production of Pericles.
In March of this year, he presented an essay he is co-authoring with an inmate who has himself published in Shakespeare Survey( one of the premier academic journals in the field) as well as won a Pen Award for his non-fiction and poetry.
In June, Herold will be attending the second bi-annual Stratford Theater Conference, this time upon a smaller river much closer to home( Ontario), where he will be presenting a paper entitled " Transgression and Transformation in the Arts," in a panel he has co-organized with Curt Tofteland, founding producer and artistic director of the Shakespeare Behind Bars programs.
On May 8, Herold attended a performance by the Shakespeare Behind Bars company in La Grange, Kentucky, with a student, Michael Unger, who won a Dean ' s Choice grant to accompany Herold on this trip, interview inmate actors, and write up an essay about his experiences " inside " for The Oakland Journal. Herold reported,“ I have no doubt it will be a terrific essay because Michael, who also won the Holzbock this year, is a terrific intellect and writer! We were both fortunate to have dinner after the show with the brilliant Shakespearean actor, Ron Brown, whose thespian virtuosity Herold has written about in his book, Prison Shakespeare and the Purpose of Playing. Ron is the same amazingly articulate person I found him to be when he belonged to the company--now, having rejoined us outside, just a bit more calm!"