The Empowered Life review & (GIANT) $24,700 bonus NOW The Empowered Life Review | Page 6

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It ' s been proven that the highest-converting " lead magnet " offer are ones that share things like the " Top 10 tools ...." or " Top 5 Mistakes ...." in a niche . This report is called The 7 Timeless Principles To Unlock Your Success .
This will be the lead magnet / bribe / incentive / opt-in bait or what ever you ' d like to call it , so that you can build a hot list in this niche and get them in your sales funnel to buy the full The Empowered Life .
• 10 + Pages of content including images !
• Includes source DOC file for editing .
• The Empowered Life product has been automatically featured as the " Recommended Resource " in the report so you can make sales on the backend .
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