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Step 2: Make a few slight modifications like adding your order button Step 3: Upload it Step 4: Add some traffic Who Should Use The Empowered Life - Done For You PLR Product? • • • • • Anyone who always wanted to start their own company Entrepreneurs wanting to share their story and get investors and partners on board with their idea Anyone who has an idea that they wanted to turn into a product or service Anyone who always wanted to learn how disruptive companies became successful Startups looking for funding and investors to grow their company As you can see, it serves a very broad market and any person wanting to take their life to the next level will find this product highly valuable. Why Should You Get The Empowered Life - Done For You PLR Product Now? Let’s take a look at what you can do when using this PLR product: • • • • • • • Give it away as a bonus when your customers buy through your affiliate link. Bonuses have proven to convert prospects into paying customers! Sky-rocket your sales using this tactic! Increase the value of your existing product for more sales. You can do this by offering this PLR product as a bonus to your existing product. Customers always love it when you over-deliver! Use the content to post on social media profiles to re-engage your followers. What better way than to simply swipe some content out of the PLR and share it on social media! It brings engagement and establishes yourself as an authority. Split the content and post to your blog so readers have a reason to come back to your blog. Again, it's as easy as swiping some content and putting it on your blog. More readers = more sales. Re-purpose the content for offline use. Use it for your keynote presentations, turn it into a physical product and sell it at a higher price of $100, $200, even $500, it's up to you! Use it in your coaching program. Use the PLR contents as part of your curriculum when training your students. Create a 7 day ecourse. For your newsletter subscribers. Build trust and pre- sell your list by offering tips via your autoresponder.