The Emerald Summer 2020 | Page 143

Sharon Castañaza Bachelors in Clinical/Community Psychology What is something that you are most proud of? I am most proud of myself for pushing through during my lowest points. Special shout out to those always motivating & encouraging me. Future Plans & Goals It’s a bit broad but I want to do a little bit of everything when it comes to my career path. I don’t necessarily want to stick to one thing, but have many experiences in different settings. But, my main overall goal is to be a part of some change in the world. Sharon's Words of Gratitude & Wisdom I’m thankful for all the opportunities offered to me at the U of I. It didn’t end the way I expected, but nevertheless grateful. Some words of wisdom: First things first, find a way to schedule your activities + homework on a daily basis. Next, there’s many people with different backgrounds & opinions, so take advantage of that and learn from one another! Definitely take advantage of the resources and don’t be shy to try something new! It’s all a learning experience that can take you somewhere you wouldn’t even imagine. I believe that with effort & determination anything is possible. Nunca te des por vencido. ANIMO, PORQUE TU PUEDES!!! 1 4 3