The Emerald Summer 2020 | Page 116

Bachelor of Arts in Media Arts with minors in Marketing & Criminal justice What is something that you are most proud of? I’m most proud of being a first gen, honors graduate! Future Plans & Goals I hope to go to graduate school in the future... for what, I’m not entirely sure yet, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. iIm also hoping to land a job with a news station abroad as an in-station camera operator which will somehow take me down the path to become a famous film/music video director. Kacey's Words of Gratitude Join clubs. branch out, make friends, see what you like, but join something & try to stick to it. Not only will you find like minded people to make friends with, but you might also hold positions and develop new skills that could open doors for you. about being sad? yes, it does suck to have your last semester of undergrad taken away from you. all you can really do is stay home, wear a mask, & occasionally bake or complete a household project. Kacey Chavez 1 1 6