The Emerald Summer 2020 | Page 23

Reyna Atwell Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Future Plans & Goals: I hope to pursue a career in Aviation or Business. Words of Gratitude & Appreciation I just want to say thank you to everyone who had an impact on my undergraduate experience. I sometimes think about how different my life would be right now if I hadn't found a community I could connect with and learn from, and I know that every single person who has crossed my path in the last 4 years has had their own special and unique impact on my life and without them, I wouldn't have been able to grow into who I am today. At times it can be very hard to find a silver lining, but with everyone who I have the pleasure of knowing, and with those I have the privilege of calling my friends and family, I know that they are and will always my silver lining and no matter what comes my way, I can get through it and continue growing with their support and love. 2 3