The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Winter/Spring 2018 | Page 18


they have a support system who is proud of them. I would recommend this to other chapters to try out, and really start a support network for our sisters that reaches beyond the limits of Kappa Delta Chi accomplishments. For those of you in the work force maybe suggest this to your boss, or supervisor to do with the staff you work with. Create a work environment that highlights the positive things being done to raise moral. Whether you’re in a leadership position or not, step up and become a leader to a new initiative. If your work doesn’t really fit this atmosphere, celebrate yourself with your girlfriends, and family. You deserve to be proud of yourself and have a network of support as well.

All and all being said, when you see a woman in any setting doing something positive support her and give her the encouragement she needs to continue to do those positive things. No matter the setting, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know her, be a leader by example and start a chain reaction of small positive compliments to help women feel empowered.

Honesty is the Best Policy!

Mallory Keough currently serves as the new member educator of the Beta Beta Chapter in New York.
