It’s incredible how creative KDChi undergraduate chapters can be when it comes to fundraising!
To kick off their fundraising, KDChi's Beta-Alpha Chapter of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign held a successful sweets sale late in their Winter Wonderland Rush Week.
They made cute vanilla and chocolate cake pops, decorated to perfection. Of course--they even matched the chilly Rush Week theme. Along with some hot chocolate, the sale proved to be a hit among the students on campus. Can you believe those sweets and goodies didn’t sit out for long? The ladies of Beta-Alpha sold out!
Talk about multi-tasking, this event raised some cash for the Chapter and gave the Sisters a chance to meet up with potential new member interests.
Too Hot! Too Hot! Too Sweet! Too Sweet!
Continuing the sweet trend, the Beta-Alpha ladies took advantage of the recent Valentine’s Day holiday by hosting a special “lottery” on the Quad. Students purchased custom-made, scratch-off tickets and won from a range of prizes—from chocolates, roses, ring pops, gift cards, custom serenades to even a grand prize of a plush penguin—all offered by the chapter. With each scratch-off ticket priced at just a dollar, who could resist?
A highlight of the “lotto” was when a member of the Omega Delta Phi Fraternity won a custom serenade and requested that Hero by Enrique Iglesias, be sung to his fraternity.
Donec nec lorem et tellus mollis lobortis. Integer sed dolor ut leo porta mollis. Proin eu augue augue. Maecenas ipsum purus, ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus.Nulla facilisi. Proin porttitor bibendum rhon-cus. Praesent imperdiet nunc et sem dignissim elementum. Donec lobortis congue fringilla. Donec consequat or-nare sodales. Nunc posuere mattis mi, ut facilisis ligula accumsan vel. In consecte-tur accumsan diam, eget porttitor justo luctus id. Nulla porta nibh sed lacus feu-giat fringilla. Nam ut leo augue. Donec pellentesque, enim ac gravida congue, lorem velit aliquet turpis, non adipiscing mauris dui at nisi. Nulla lobortis sagittis ligula, nec tristique nisl iacu-lis a. Proin cursus mi a nunc bibendum fermentum. Integer ultricies arcu et nunc interdumid sagittis mauris pharetra. Duis elemen-tum aliquam eros, nec egestas orci laoreet eget. Nunc erat velit, aliquet non consectetur non, placerat eget sapien. Vivamus id ipsum sit amet massa consec-tetur porta. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent dignissim ultrices neque. Aliquam auctor congue nunc sed interdum. Aenean sagittis grav-ida est, sit amet egestas metus venenatis non.
Submission by Kappa Delta Chi, Beta-Alpha Chapter
Photos by KDChi Beta-Alpha Chapter
My little guy was staring at this man, and he came over and started to play with my son. He was surprised I spoke Spanish and we started talking about Spanish, and I told him I was a Spanish teacher. He told me his daughter was studying bilingual Ed at Our Lady of the Lake. He said she was in a female organization that was very involved in the community. He didn't remember the name, I said "KDChi?" He said Yes! :) so Ana Luisa, if you see this, I met your dad, and he spoke about how proud he was of you and all your accomplishments!
~ Lorena Gómez Reyes
I cannot express right now how thankful I am for my Kappa Delta Chi sisterhood. So many times I have gotten crap for how much time I volunteer for this organization, but I cannot say enough how much more it gives back to me and others. Even if I volunteered every min. of every day of my life to this sisterhood, I couldn't repay what I have gotten in return.
~ Maggie Dominguez
Now it is one thing to graduate. It is another thing to have OVER 500 hours of volunteer work, to have held various Executive Board positions, INCLUDING President of the Chapter, maintaining a constant 4.0 GPA, while doing field work in her career/ in her competitive Nursing Program.... But it yet a Profound Accomplishment to stand in front of your whole graduating class, in front of your sisters and your most precious
possessions and heart-Your Family, to be awarded the Jon Ronstadt- Outstanding Undergraduate Award!
Sara Santos What can we stay to you, besides THANK YOU and We LOVE YOU! ❤
~ Karina Isabella