Alpha Alpha Sister Participates in 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb
Alpha Alpha alumna Crystal Macedo participated in The Wichita 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb on September 12,2015. Macedo was one of of only 343 registrants that where able to honor the 343 firefighters lost from the FDNY on 9/11/01.
"These are only a few pictures of the wonderful drawings and portraits that kept me going and were crucial to helping me complete the climb for the 343 firefighters that lost their lives while climbing their 110 flights. If God continues to bless me with courage, endurance, and strength I plan to participate every year in this climb and others if possible. A promise to never forget the brave men that lost their lives that day the entire world stood still!" Said Macedo about the experience.
The event is hosted at the Epic Center in downtown Wichita, KS. 343 participants climbed 110 floors in honor of their falled brothers. Each climber was assigned a name badge with the picture and name of one ofthe 343, making the experience even more personal. (http://www.wichitastairclimb.com/about.html)
"I do not know if it because of you, my great FB friends who voted for me or if I was voted in by the judges. Nonetheless, that you for your support and great words of encouragement through out this crazy career I have chosen for myself."
Photo by Crystal Macedo - Facebook