The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority The Emerald Fall 2019 | Page 14

National Hazing By Alicia Rascon, Pi Chapter Alumnae Kappa Delta Chi is a proud participant in recognizing #HazingPreventionWeek. Our sisters are helping promote awareness and prevention of hazing in our sisterhood, on our campuses and in our communities. During this time, sister across the country unite to share their anti-hazing messages on social media and to participate in hazing prevention week activities on their campuses. risks emotional and/or physical harm to members of a group or team, whether new or not, regardless of the person’s willingness to participate.” Harassment hazing is behaviors that potentially cause emotional anguish or physical discomfort like verbal abuse, threats, humiliating attire or sleep deprivation. Subtle hazing typically involves activities or attitudes that break reasonable standards of mutual respect such as name-calling, loss of privileges, demerits, depriving new members of a normal schedule, or social isolation. Violent hazing can include branding, water intoxication, public nudity, forced consumption of substances, calisthenics, abductions, beating, paddling, or forced exposure to the elements. How Does KDChi Stand On Hazing? Kappa Delta Chi does not encourage, condone or tolerate hazing in any form. Living the values of our founders, KDChi leaders recognize that hazing is not in line for our ideals. Kappa Delta Chi holds the strong belief that education is the key to eliminating the detrimental practice of hazing. Each chapter is trained on anti- hazing policies on a bi-annual basis prior to administering our national New Member Education program, all members review our national Risk Management Policy annually and each member signs an acknowledgement to commit to abide by our regulations. What Are the Consequences of Hazing? Hazing has been in the headlines over the last few years because of tragic consequences of hazing. Forced alcohol consumption, physical brutality and risky behaviors have cost lives among fraternity and sorority members. Violation of Kappa Delta Chi’s anti-hazing policies may result in the following consequences, applicable to Individual members, chapters, and colonies: suspension of privileges, expulsion from the organization, revoking of the chapter's charter, college/university disciplinary action and civil and/or criminal penalties. What Are Examples of Hazing According to Hazing is "any action taken or any situation created intentionally that causes embarrassment, harassment or ridicule and 14