The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Summer 2021 | Page 6

C O L L E G I A T E A F F A I R S F O R L I F E !
If you are interested in joining our leadership team , CA is a great starting point . You ’ re on the ground running with our chapters , learning what our chapters need , and start developing ways to begin change . The division of CA is continuously learning and evolving because not all chapters , regions , or districts are one in the same . CA is a support system for our undergraduate chapters and our sisterhood . We are here to guide , mediate , and encourage our chapters to be successful . The positions of DC and RD are appointed annually so if you ' re interested , keep an eye out for calls for CA every March / April .
I ' m writing this article in between my boys ’ naps and as they sleep at night . I have two boys , 8 months and 2 years old . Motherhood is a blessing . Oftentimes I have worried about what my kids are going to think , their mom is just a server . Being a server isn ’ t so bad after all . I still have retirement & benefits . I get to work , be with my kids , and watch them grow without having to rely on childcare . I get to go to work and come home and be with my family without a workload hovering over my head . My job doesn ’ t define me , who I am as a mother , a sister , a wife , and a daughter defines me . I ’ m a giver , supporter , and I ' m Chingona . I am proud of who I am and my family loves me for who I am , a mommy . This is the best job I ’ ve ever had thus far . Being a Scorpio , it ’ s in my nature to dedicate my everything to what I believe in . Just as I dedicated myself to the leadership of this sisterhood , I will now fully dedicate myself to my family .
In my 10 years with NAC I ’ ve learned that our sisterhood is a strong force to be reckoned with . We are a powerhouse that should never be underestimated . I have made some lifelong friendships within my journey through leadership . I have shared tears , laughs , and lots of tequila with some of THE BEST sisters out there .
Thank you sisters for allowing me the time to serve you all . What a ride it has been ! My family and my blood pressure will appreciate my retirement . BLOOP !

Kathaleeya Gomez