The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Spring/Summer 2019 | Page 33

And oh God, the kids. The tiny souls who have suffered a lifetime of traumas in their short lives. Children deserve to be children! Not dealing with grown people issues - not living in fear of death. I don’t understand how humans can be so horrible to one another.

I can’t stop thinking about the woman traveling by herself who was 9 months and 1 week pregnant who collapsed in the plaza, but didn’t want to go to the hospital because her number was getting called that day. What happens if someone gives birth in the hielera!?

We’ve had so many people come see us about their cases in the U.S. and just for us to say, “Sorry, your case is not a good case under asylum law, you probably aren’t going to win. You’re going to spend money on something that isn’t going to successful.” And they mostly respond with understanding and saying “nimodo hay que seguir luchando.” Basically saying they’ve been through so much and come so far that they have to keep fighting. So that’s what we will do. I understand that sentiment on a much deeper level now.

If you feel some kind of inhumane way about this, you can go ahead and unfriend me. I am not here to debate. Borders are BS and we should take care of each other. If you don’t get that - bye Felicia.

I want to thank everyone who made this possible for me. Please, please support Al Otro Lado and their work on the border. Thank you to my sis Jocelyn Rangel and her family who opened up their home to me without ever meeting me before. That’s how KDChi do! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
