The Wichita Alumnae Chapter was originally formed to support the Alpha Alpha recharter in the summer of 2015. Since then we have been very busy and this fall has been no exception. On the weekend of September 29-30 they held our annual Alumnae Weekend. It centered on Alpha Alpha’s first charter 18th Anniversary and the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure. Annual traditions Wichita Alumnae have observed since 2000. The Wichita Alumnae Chapter conducted the Alumnae Induction Ceremony during Alumnae Weekend and inducted 8 new Alumnae! Also this fall they collected money to benefit a KDChi teacher here in Kansas and we were able to raise and award $95. They are very happy to help out sisters who are teachers here in the state of Kansas with school supplies. The Annual Kansas City Social was this summer and it was a great success, we got together with sisters from all over Kansas and beyond. Some major events coming in the future are the Cookie Swap Social in December and service initiative event at the SWE Engineering Expo in the Spring.