The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Spring 2022 | Page 5

D I S T R I C T 2 C H A I R Jessica Miranda S O U T H P A C I F I C R E G I O N A L D I R E C T O R Marissa Jimenez D I S T R I C T 3 C H A I R Elizabeth Mazariego Position(s) held: District 6 Chair KDChi means growth and comfort. I would not be the person I am today without KDChi's influence on me as an undergraduate. It helped me grow as a person and as a professional. It taught me to be more confident, take more chances, and to stand up for myself when I have the right to do so. Sisters have also been a comfort to me at the most difficult periods of my life over the last 3 years. Initiation: University of Arizona, Delta Chapter, Alpha Chi Class Day Job: Project Assistant, Animal Policy Group Hope to accomplish: My number one goal will always be to help sisters in any way I can as their District Chair. I hope to assist in bettering communication between our undergraduates and our national leadership and to help make sure everyone feels D I S T R I C T 6 C H A I R Vi Ramassini they have a voice. Position(s) held: District 7 Chair, Southwest Regional Director Initiation: New Mexico State University, Iota chapter, Alpha Epsilon Class, Fall 2008 Day Job: HR Specialist (Labor & Management/Employee Relations) for Civilian Human Resources Agency Most proud of accomplishing: I am proud of really getting to know the sisters within the chapters that I served. It is really important to me as a part of leadership to ensure that the chapters and their leadership can trust me, KD Chi means sisterhood and legacy to me. KDChi today is a force of women to be reckoned with. When we get together, whether it is to fight for what we believe in or to complete a service project, we accomplish so much - together! and I’ve tried to break the stigma of “Nationals” with each undergraduate sister I’ve interacted with. D I S T R I C T 7 C H A I R Nikki Borrego-Hogan Position(s) held: District Chair 8 Initiation: University of Oklahoma, Sigma Chapter, Eta Class The comfort circle and support system I find myself in whenever I am with sisters is so special. I can meet a sister for the first time and it feels like I have known her forever. Day Job: HR Specialist (Information Systems) Most proud of accomplishing: Staying actively engaged given the obstacles that we all had to go through this year. We all have a family, work and a life outside of volunteering our time for these positions. Unfortunately, time gets away from us and life happens so constantly reminding myself D I S T R I C T 8 C H A I R Tara Flores Wiley 5 that I have a responsibility I signed up for kept me going.