Sister awarded the NASPA Region V UndeSisk Spotlight Continued....
Sister designs Paleta
Cart 2017 San Antonio Fiesta Medal
Garrett Heath, San Antonio Flavor
April is my favorite time in San Antonio, not just because it’s Fiesta or that the
Spurs begin their playoff run. I love this month because it is the most perfect weather in San Antonio. And with that perfect temperature it’s inevitable that you’ll hear the *ring*ring* of the bell on the paleta carts. So when I heard that Amanda Infante wanted to feature one
on her 2017 Fiesta Medal, I was over the moon at the opportunity to make it!
I met Amanda and her husband (more on him later) last year. They’re members of the Fiesta Medal Maniacs Facebook page and constantly followed my competitions/medal hidings and won several of them! Whether it was finding me Rosella Coffee or stopping by SA Pops where I
stashed a medal there, these two were tenacious medal hunters—I’d like to think that the paleteria where she found the hidden medal was some sort of inspiration for her’s this year.
A dollar from every sale of the Paleta
Fiesta Medal will go to Girls Inc San Antonio. Amanda said she chose this organization as her charity because it inspires all girls to be strong, smart and bold.
To read the rest of the article click here.
To learn more about Girls Inc. San Antonio click here.
"Fiesta Friends, I'm over the moon excited!! Here it is, my very first Fiesta Medal!!! The Paleta Cart!! I'm so honored to have been able to pair up with SA Flavor to make this medal possible!! A dollar of every medal sold will go to my charity of choice Girls Incorporated of San Antonio."
- Amanda Infante