The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Fall 2017 | Page 20

“Wisdom is knowing the right path to take; Integrity is taking it”

continued from page 19

Within any field a female’s integrity is questioned every day. We receive advice from male counter parts that is then expected to be followed despite if it is the best option or not. As females, we are often seen as the weaker link that will just make the choice that pleases the most, or is the less aggressive, “go getter” choice. We need to go against that mind frame, and use our own backgrounds, experiences, and fact finding to make the best decision to solve the problem and then stand behind that choice. We are women who got the position we are in, no matter what that position may be, because we are qualified and were chosen for that job. Don’t let anyone especially a man let you feel like you didn’t earn that. They do it time and time again, and we need to put an end to it.

Like I said before I am an engineering student, one who wants to enter the construction field after receiving my degree. That field specifically is riddled with men, who will be much older than I, with many more years of experience. I am already beginning to mentally prepare as a junior in college for the adversity I will face from those men after leaving Clarkson. That is not something I should have to do. Those men in my near future should be excited about a new mind coming into their field, with the newest knowledge in technology, and new strategies to solving problems they face every day. But, of course, they won’t see it that way, they will see a 22-year-old girl, fresh out of college walking into the good ole boys club with opinions that don’t match theirs, and ideas that are “too soft”.

How do we change this, is the question? The answer is personal integrity. Make them believe in the abilities you know you have, make them listen to your ideas, stand behind a decision you made and don’t back down. When you walk into a room know your stuff. When asked a question, don’t even shuffle the papers in front of you on the table give the answer that you know in your head and heart and don’t flinch. Be the leader that never waivers, and owns their choices, decisions, and actions no matter if you’re right or wrong and we will change the stigma behind this mind frame.

We’ve all heard the saying “like a girl” paired with some form of physical action that either we aren’t supposed to do well, or that a male isn’t doing as well as he should. Today is the day that concept changes. Today is the day you take our values in hand, and be the best leader you can possibly be. Use the technical skills you have and stand strong in everything you do. Use soft skills to communicate, and be humble as you travel throughout life. Use our four values as a guiding compass to stand united together, with honest intentions at heart and home, and step with integrity behind everything you accomplish in life. Today, we as sisters of Kappa Delta Chi lead like women in all fields. We are here together to change the stereotypes and to set examples for those behind us. I recently attended a leadership conference for young women, and the keynote speaker said something that will resonate with me forever. She said: “Be brave enough to standup to the hardships you’re facing, to pave the way for more successful women to follow behind you. If you wait for someone else to bend the tall grass down for you to walk on, you’ll never make it to the other side of the field. Be the first, lead the way, set the example.” What she said is exactly what women empowerment is all about, it’s exactly what this sisterhood is about. Know that if you are the lead example you have a network of sisters standing behind you nationwide. Know that there are professional women out there that wish they had been brave enough to do what you are doing. Know that you are a member of Kappa Delta Chi, pledged to lead with integrity. Be you, be strong, and lead like a girl!