Congratulations to Natalia Kdchi Ordonez on passing her NAVLE and officially becoming a doctor of veterinary medicine!!!
unt_kdchiPenguins spotted a penguin at work today 🐧 #KDChi #penguinseverywhere
jasminea423We as women should shine light on our accomplishments and not feel egotistical when we do. It's a way to let the world know that we as women can accomplish great things - Honorary ΚΔΧ Sister, Dolores Huerta. #kdchi #doloreshuerta #unitedfarmworkers
Three organizations bring international cultures to SMU
by Doreen Qin at the Daily Campus
Southern Methodist University students had a chance to taste the international food, watch traditional performances from other countries, and win prizes on Tuesday night at the Around the World at SMU event, which celebrates International Education Week.
Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Delta Chi, and the International Student Scholar and Service department sponsored the event, held in the Hughes-Trigg ballroom.
Not only International students, but also students from the U.S. were attracted to the event’s multicultural theme.
Tyler Jackson, an American student studying computer science, said it was fun to experience different cultures through food and performance. The event also proved that SMU is more culturally diverse than people may recognize.
“it shows that there is more to SMU than what is shown outside and in pictures,” Jackson said.
Several booths were set up of the entrance of ballroom to let students see and learn about cultural practices such as Chinese calligraphy, henna tattoo art, and Sahaja yoga.
Southern Methodist University | Dallas, TX
The Emerald | Fall 2017