By K. Preston Oade, Denver Post
The pundits and the popular media all say similar things about Donald Trump voters. It’s mostly disparaging and mostly wrong.
A recent Denver Post column by Dottie Lamm said Trump voters are angry, “resent undocumented workers,” fear terrorism and losing their jobs, and feel like they don’t have any say.
I’m none of these things, but I’m voting for Trump.
Actually, I’m not voting for Trump, but against Hillary Clinton, who wants to solve every problem with other people’s money and bigger and often suffocating government, with a corresponding loss of individual freedom, economic liberty, and job creation.
Trump has created many jobs and understands how big government tends to stifle job creation. Clinton talks about job creation, but has never done it. She’s better at destroying jobs and bragged about putting coal miners out of work.
Trump is often obnoxious, but he’s genuine and openly displays his thinking. He’s not insidiously dishonest or corrupt like Clinton. The Clinton Foundation received huge “donations” from rich elites and foreign governments and she, as secretary of state, soon made or participated in decisions that favored them.
Almost all politicians hunger for power, but Clinton takes it to an obsessive level. Trump is running mainly to feed his huge ego and have fun. It’s a purer motive for wanting to be president. He has a better chance than Clinton to be a highly successful president, simply because he wants to be “great.” She wants to be rich and powerful.
Leadership is another issue. Clinton is a follower, not a leader. Like many politicians, she just takes the path that leads to more power. Compared to her, Trump is an independent and bold leader.
Another thing about Trump is his apparent lack of political ideology. He was a Democrat for many years before he decided to hijack the Republican Party. He’s a doer, not an ideologue. As such, he’s more likely than Clinton — who always follows her ideological voter base — to reduce political gridlock.
To read the rest of the article please click here.
Who is Donald Trump?
Donald Trump is running as the Republican party representative for president of the United States along side with Mike Pence as his running mate.
Trump & Pence are running under these issues:
• Supports reducing the corporate income tax
• Wants to increase spending for infrastructure to create jobs
• Propose tax relief for child care costs
• Proposes to spend $20 billion during his first year in office to help states expand school choice programs
• Propose an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. And proposes Mexico will pay for the wall.
To learn about these issues and more go to www.donaldjtrump.com
All information provided by donaldtrump.com and is in no way an endorsement of Donalld Trump or the Republican Party.
Why I’m voting for Donald Trump
Below is an article from the Denver Post on why K. Preston Oade is voting for Donald Trump. To read the complete article go to DenverPost.com